Depending on your use, I would look very hard at the .17HMR.
I had a .22WMR concurrently with my .17HMR's....the .22 never got used. With the .22WMR I struggled to get MOA; the .17's struggle to get over MOA; the trajectory to subsonic is flatter. The .22WMR has more energy; so if you have pest eradicating, having a slightly bigger bullet that punches in a little deeper might do something for you. For me, I've found the .17 HMR has plenty of energy, and capability; I've taken several badgers and several coyotes while gopher shooting.
I am fairly studious in my attention to ammo prices and availability; I shoot high volume gophers in the spring, so price per round and availability is a major concern for me. The .17HMR was almost unaffected during the last couple scares; .22WMR got scarce. I prefer the 17 gr Vmax load from Hornady; I generally pay .16 a round for it. This means buying in bulk when things go on sale; usually it happens this time of year. Murdochs (an agricultural chain store here in MT and surrounding states) currently has the Hornady 200 rd pack for $32.00 - 16 cents a round on the shelf. The .22WMR in the 30 Gr Vmax (the preferred load for my rifle) was usually around 22 cents a round under similar circumstance.