My experience with newer CZ?s and 22 wmr has been lackluster at best.
I have a Brno zkm 611 and hk300 that are capable of moa with most quality ammo and will hold 3/4? at 100 yards with their preferred ammo. But I too have struggled to get moa with the CZ-USA 22 mags.
The variances in the bores just do not work well with the 22 wmr rounds I use. With a chrono you can see differences. The CZ?s will have higher average velocities, but much, much higher deviation/spread. I ran patches with polishing compound down the bore of one of my 455?s, and that helped some, but still not grouping as tight as my Hk or Brno.
When I need more distance & punch for rimfire, I reach for the Hk with VMax or tnt green.