My review of NAF Solutions stippling work.BackstoryAs previously mentioned, I have long wanted to get my P-07s stippled. I feel like CZ got part of the grip texturing right (sides, index points) but really dropped the ball on the most important parts - the front and back strap. IMO they did a much better job on the P-10C...
I had been toying with the idea of doing the work myself but have, honestly, seen enough bad stippling to decide I would rather let someone who did this full time handle the work. Aesthetics aren't paramount to me but, at the same time, I did want something I wouldn't mind others seeing. I probably would have ended up with something like this... ;-0
PriceI searched for a long while for someone who I trusted to do the work and talked to a bunch of good folks in the process but price point was usually the deal breaker. For example, Boresight - one of the first I talked to and the ones who, incidentally, did Mike Pannone's guns - typically charge $350 and up per gun. Great work... but I just couldn't justify the cost.
I had seen an example of NAF Solutions' work via the Practically Tactical YouTube channel but assumed that it too would be pricey ... but I eventually got around to actually checking LOL I was more than pleasantly surprised.
Nick's prices are more than fair, especially for the quality of work! I decided that Nick was the guy for this and started saving in earnest.
In working up the order form I noticed that Nick offers some discounts on labor - a 10% "social media" discount and a 25% LEO/military discount. I am not LEO or military but I am a first responder of sorts as the leader for my employer's security team so I asked Nick if that would qualify and he said yes. Awesome! We are in business! (Note: apparently he also runs regular specials
via Instagram)
In addition to the grip stippling, I opted to have the index points stippled to match.
One other plus? Since I was not having anything Cerakoted I did not need to disassemble the frame internals.
Shipping and Lead TimeI boxed the frames up in a small Amazon box and shipped via FedEx ground - shipping with a buttload of insurance (think the replacement cost of the whole gun plus Cajun parts x 4) was about $35.
Nick quotes roughly 4 weeks turnaround time but stresses that as an estimate - not a guarantee. I sent the guns off on February 3rd and had the first two back on March 8th, so right on target - a little over 4 weeks turn around. I had the other two back about two weeks later.
ImpressionsMy initial impression out of the box was that I got exactly what I'd hoped for. The Chaos texture is aggressive without being overly so. Being detail-oriented I closely inspected the work and found no sloppiness or discoloration. I do find the work aesthetically pleasing but, above all else, it is extremely functional.
Shooting is nothing but pleasant. My grip locks in a lot more and the gun does not shift in my hands when shooting. I've shot in both hot and cooler weather when I have had slipping issues in the past and now there simply is no issue. The texture is aggressive but not to the point of causing me any discomfort at all.
CarryingSome may wonder how an aggressive texture carries... I did notice when carrying that a couple of my button-up shirts do like to stick to the grip a bit - rayon and other synthetics seem to be the worst offenders.
I do not consider this a real problem, though. I have long worn thin, A-frame undershirts to keep the gun from being subjected to sweat - now I simply wear an additional t-shirt under shirts I know to be leery of. Problem solved and I am a touch more stylish to boot [emoji4]
The VerdictI can't recommend Nick's work enough. With discounts and promotions, I was able to have
four guns professionally stippled for a bit more than Boresight would have charged me for
one... AND I got free return shipping (another promotion Nick is offering in 2018...)
Any future guns I buy that have slick frames like the P-07 will absolutely get the NAF treatment. Just like Cajun parts on any CZ, this will be factored into the purchase.