BulletsAs Wobbly said, jacketed bullets are better than plated bullets all around, and at 8.9 cents per bullet for Precision Delta, often equal in price or cheaper than plated. And I'd recommend you stick with 124/125gr bullets early on.
PowdersPay attention to people's recommendations. Someone saying they like Powder-X for 9mm is not the same as their saying they like Powder-X for USPSA/IDPA 9mm minor loads. There are lots of excellent powders for 9mm that you wouldn't want to use for 9mm minor. If you're shooting 50 yard bullseye events, for example, accuracy is your ultimate concern, and Power Pistol, AA7, and Silhouette would be good choices, but you wouldn't want them for 9mm minor. If you're loading defensive loads, then velocity becomes a concern as defensive bullets need to impact at a certain velocity to function properly. For USPSA/IDPA 9mm minor, recoil is a consideration, and you're looking to minimize recoil at a relatively modest velocity, which makes some of the faster burning powders appropriate, but not necessarily THE fastest burning powders. It's about picking the right powder for the application based on the needs of that application.
Powders in the burn rate range I consider about right for 9mm minor:
Accurate Arms #2, Bullseye, Titegroup, American Select, Sport Pistol, N320, Ramshot Zip, HP-38, Winchester 231
In that burn rate range, I left off some less common powders, powders that are currently absent from the market, and powders that for whatever reason I don't hear much about or that people don't seem to use for this application. I've used every powder on that list for 9mm minor loads except Sport Pistol, which is new. Surprise! They're all good.
And Bullseye is my 9mm minor go-to powder, for what that's worth.