The other consideration is the length of round the magazine will accommodate. This isn't as big an issue in CZ pistols, due to their generally short leade, but in other pistols, and most pistol caliber carbines, this is an issue. Some chambers will accept a round that the magazine won't accept.
Bullet design also comes into play. A short blunt bullet will allow the ogive to contact the rifling sooner than say a NATO design bullet, with it's long slender ogive, which is designed to feed through any chamber in that caliber that NATO nations may employ. For instance, a 9mm caliber bullet that is designed for the 357 Sig, which requires a short ogive, and long bearing surface, due to the short neck of the case, will have to be seated deeper in a 9x19 case to feed through the chambers of a lot of pistols chambered in 9x19. Conversely, a NATO designed bullet won't work in the 357 Sig cartridge due to the long taper and short bearing surface, which ends up below the short neck of the 357 Sig case. And they're both normally .355"/.356" diameter bullets of the same weight.
Hope this helps.