There's nothing wrong with having this conversation, but I think you may be overstating a few aspects.
Politically speaking, Republicans have (thankfully) moved very far to the right on guns since the time of the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Moreover, while the NRA and other groups made several legal challenges to the '94 Ban, none were made on 2nd Amendment grounds. In other words, the NRA was so terrified that they could create negative case law that they avoided invoking the 2nd Amendment at all. Since that time, we've had Heller and McDonald, which represent tremendous hurdles for anti-gunners. We're also awash in state-level politicians with balls enough to sue the feds.
But even disregarding all of that and assuming that a new ban comes down the pipeline, I can't imagine your Scorpion will require a stockpile of maintenance parts.
Again, it's a neat topic to discuss. No disrespect intended.