I've never heard anyone use the term
conical base prior to this thread. I'm sure he means
bevel base. Some bevels are more generous than others. The bevels I see on XTReme plated bullets are so modest that I'm not quite sure whether or not to consider it a bevel base at all. I just examined a 200gr swaged semi-wadcutter from Zero, and it's advertised flat base, and even that has an ever-so-slight bevel. If there were truly no bevel at all, it would be a sharp edge that would certainly deform when seating anyway.
The performance difference between flat base and bevel base is that flat base
tend to be more accurate when shooting pistols over long (for pistols) distance. If I see conversations where people are extolling the values of flat base bullet accuracy, they're talking about 50 yard bullseye shooting where they care about fractions of an inche at 50 yards. No one shooting regular target practice or practical shooting events should worry about whether or not they're shooting flat base or bevel base.
I can't imagine it makes a measurable difference out to 35 yards, and as we all know, it's between 35 and 50 where things fall apart.