I was taking out the stock safety lever to install the Shadow-2-style lever in my Tactical Sport Blue. I had the hammer back and let it slip/spring forward and it hit the sear cage, since I still had the hammer spring installed. I heard something small hit the wall across the room and of course started cussing my head off.
I looked at everything I had in front of me and could not see anything missing. All pins and springs accounted for. Looked over by where I heard it go, and of course it's at the most cluttered part of the room with boxes of stuff and things you could lose a beachball in. Just felt futile and I didn't even know what I was looking for. Wasn't a part of the slide since the slide was off, wasn't the left or right safety detent (thankfully!), wasn't the keeper pin for the hammer pin, and the sear cage seemed complete. Maybe I imagined the sound?
So I put the new safety in, put the gun back together, and again nothing was lost so nothing was missing. Put the slide back on and cocked the hammer....seemed to cock just fine. The safety lever worked, should be all good. Then something caught my eye on my table on a white envelope. Looked closer....and it was teeny-tiny spring. And when I say tiny, I mean around the size of the little screws that are in a pair of eyeglasses. Smaller even than over-travel adjustment screws on a trigger. Something that could easily be mistaken for a grain of ground pepper or just dust. Could that be it?
I looked at a PDF of the owners manual to see the schematic, to see if there were any tiny random springs I didn't recognize. And what I saw right by the sear cage is this......
.....the 'Ejector Springs'. The Shadow 2 and SP-01 (which I've disassembled before) don't have those springs, so that's one of the reasons I didn't recognize anything missing. The problem is there are supposed to be TWO of them...and I've only got one!!!
So that little sound I heard across the room where all those boxes of stuff....I didn't imagine it. And there was no way on earth I was going to find that little speck in all of that. But I went over anyway.....and there it was...on the flap of one of the boxes...stuck on by the grease it was covered in, which made a little stain around it.
What are the chances of that?
The fact that the first spring happened to fall on a white envelope on my table was a miracle considering how cluttered my table is, the second one sticking to a box flap is....inexplicable. So I put them back in the sear cage (luckily didn't drop the hammer before), and everything is how it should be. I think I may have used up my luck for the year.