This mornings spring like weather offered the perfect enticement for the maiden voyage of my 2075 D on my still snow covered back yard steel range.
The RAMI was initially cleaned and lubed and would be running Speer Lawman 124 GR TMJ.
The initial 100 rounds were run through the gun using three 10 & one 14 round mags. Only one 10 round mag was cleaned prior to shooting.
The gun functioned flawlessly through the two boxes in both DA and SA and was very enjoyable to shoot. Keeping the gun on target through the DA pull takes a bit more concentration then it does on it's larger cousins but with more trigger time will surely be a non issue.
The night sights are very serviceable and far better then what came on my 75B SA, so no complaints or desire to change them at the moment.
The gun is now on the bench for cleaning and inspection before the next shooting session, but I expect it will continue to run this well and in time will be added to my carry rotation.
I look forward to shooting the new off this gun in the coming months and will update this thread with my thoughts.