Very nice sir - range report?
Going this weekend. In Hawaii, we have a "places to keep law". Which means I can't make a stop to buy lunch or even a coffee with the gun in my car. Only from home to range and back. So I have to wait till Saturday. It sucks buying a new toy and not being able to play with it. Well I am dry firing and working the mag/slide release.
I plan on going to an indoor range to see the POI/POA at 3, 5, & 10 yards. Then driving to the outdoor to shoot at 25 yards. And to zero my AR.
On a side note, can I use +P or +P+ defensive ammo? The manual didn't mention anything. My VP9 says I can and my M&P9C says specifically "DO NOT USE +P or +P+". But no mention in the CZ manual.