Gentlemen, keep it professional with no mudslinging or such.
I can tell you that I worked as rental range as a rangemaster and assistant CCW instructor a ways back and the ONLY guns that didn't malfunction was the Ruger autos and the Smith revolvers. Everything else, including SIG, HK, Taurus, Glock etc., failed in one way or another - no CZ,s because the only CZ we had for rent, (CZ83), was stolen right after I got there - no that WASN'T me,.
I had 3 Glock pistols fail in front of me or in my hand, including one that broke the slide right under the ejection port. I have had a CZ -100 that was practically unshootable, for me. I had a Taurus revolver fail due to a badly assembled crane, and other guns over the years that failed/jammed/fell a[part for one reason or another. Some goofy ones was the guy with the Artillery Luger who was shooting on our range and his front sight sailed off down the range under recoil. We found it the next day and held it for him. Another was the guy with the Chinese made pump action shotgun during an in house two gun match, where the magazine cap popped off and shot down the range with spring in tow. He repaired that, and came back the next night. He fired a string of five, and while I was watching, the barrel ever so slowly tilted forward and ell off the rest of the gun. He sold it right afterwards.
As for the P-10C, I know have a sample range of two, and the original FDE has gone jam free for about 2K rounds, and the White Nitride has been jam free for 250 rounds. I carry it.
Last - dude...that's horrifying, I am truly sorry, hope you good gun people in Hawaii can get that changed, or, you could move here. We have miles and miles of beach....just no water.
Please let us know how this goes and how your wife likes her new CZ!