I hope you all get a chuckle out of my predicament earlier, everything is okay now but i was worried for a while
I have a CZ75B Omega, using the factory decocker, and I really didn't want to do much to this gun as it was great out of the box.
Mostly a range gun but I have carried it and may from time to time. The SA pull is great out of the box at 4lbs, but I wanted to reduce the DA pull a little for carry purposes.
I purchased the defensive carry spring kit from CGW and decided to install it this morning.
I installed the 15lb hammer spring first, then removed and replaced the firing pin spring and firing pin block springs with the reduced power springs provided in the kit.
After getting the slide back together was when the fun began. I wanted to check firing pin function and usually put a wooden pencil in the barrel and pull the trigger with the gun pointed straight up -- a properly functioning firing pin will usually send the pencil up a ways from the barrel. Well, I didn't have a wood pencil handy but grabbed a Bic pen instead.
First pull, the pen launched correctly. Second pull was when the fun began -- just a little shudder from the pen.
I screwed up my CZ!
So I pulled the slide apart and replaced the firing pin block spring with the original, thinking somehow I had impacted the firing pin timing.
Put back together, same results. The Bic pen just shuddered in the barrel whether I pulled DA or SA, it was no longer launching out of the barrel.
Long story short I tried all original springs, and various combinations, and still no success. Starting to really worry now, I took a break and thought about the situation.
Good thing to do when things are not going well!
After thinking about it, I looked at the pen -- and found the problem.
The plastic cap on the top end of the pen, was punctured from repeated firing pin hits, and it occurred to me that likely was the problem, and the firing pin was fine!
I found another pen with the top cap intact, and a trigger pull launched it toward the ceiling -- after two pulls like that, the top cap was fully punctured and it no longer left the barrel on trigger pulls, instead just moving slightly on firing pin impact.
Problem SOLVED
I now left the slide alone (after maybe five or six cycles of trying spring combos, the roll pin was getting flared and I didn't want to R&R it again).
I now have the reduced power firing pin spring, the original firing pin block spring, and the 15lb hammer spring installed.
Double action pull is reduced from the factory pull but my trigger gauge doesn't go that high.
SA is 3.75 pounds, I don't want to go any lighter for carry purposes -- I had it down to 3.5 lbs with the reduced power firing pin block spring installed.
Anyways, love this gun and look forward to the next range visit with the new springs installed.
I won't carry it until I verify it fires correctly but I have other carry guns.
Hope your next gunsmithing session is way less complicated than mine turned out to be!