Between the choices you've mentioned, accuracy will be comparable. The main difference is the beavertail on the standard 75B isn't upswept like the SA and SP01. Ergonomically speaking, I would go with the SA(you said don't want an SP01). I would install a Cajun Race hammer, adjustable sear or wide OEM sear, reduced power trigger return spring, floating trigger pin, and SAO trigger with pre-travel screw(5SAO or 6SAO). Eliminate the firing pin block and this will get you a 2 to 2.5lb trigger pull with the shortest possible overall travel, very similar to your TSO. You can achieve very nearly the same SA pull with a DA/SA but you'll have to throw more parts at it. I'd also add the Cajun 10X bushing. All of this can be done by a competent DIY'er. If you want to have it done by CGW or CZC, you can buy the gun directly from them and save some time and shipping expense.