3 problems can show up with these signs...
? Taper Crimp
The chamber on a 9x19mm Luger is tapered. Incorrect taper crimp on a cartridge will jam into the chamber and keep the slide from going into battery. Read the "Stickie" on
Taper Crimp at the top of the forum and make sure your ammo complies.
Click Here? Cases used in 9 Major
Sometimes range pickup brass will have been fired in a "9 Major" gun and due to the VERY high chamber pressures, the brass will be expanded beyond all usefulness, This expansion will be found at the base of the case where the Sizing Die can't possibly reach. A good cartridge gauge will find these. Read this....
http://www.czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=97209.0? Wrong OAL
Tdogg is correct. It's not the OAL that gets you into trouble, but where the shoulder of the bullet lands relative to the rifling.
Any bullet shape that brings the full 0.355" diameter forward of the case mouth is problematic when used in the 9mm CZ chambers. The left hand example in the following cartoon shows how you can get into trouble....
As reloaders we work and converse in terms of "OAL",
but where the meplat of the bullet falls is of ZERO consequence ! What you need to
control with a SWC is how far the bullet's shoulder protrudes into the chamber.
A simple
push test (as we call it) will show you what
your Max OAL with
your bullet in
your barrel is. It is not as effective with lead bullets, but with patience it can be done.
Click Here and follow the instructions.
This last one is probably your prime suspect, but you really need to check all 3.
Hope this helps.