Those ones on Greg Cote work just fine. To fit, just have to knock off the corners at the back to fit the Rami. Buuuuuuttt, the front sticks waaaayy out. I?ve got one I?ve been working on for fun, got it all sanded down, just need to fill the front with epoxy, (the front is hollow, so once you sand, creates a cavity). Functions perfect with a 14round spring, and I?ve modified the follower, so it holds 13. Haven?t measured, but believe it?s still quite a bit shorter than a 14 round mag.
FWIW, for quick and easy, I?d try one of the aluminum +2?s from CZC. Quite a bit more $$, but I still want to try one. Will probably still have to knock the back corners off to fit the Rami, but I ?think? they?ll look better. Haven?t had a chance to try it yet tho. for pics. P01 mag used for reference, last pic shows unmodified mag base. Hope these help.