I'm using the Lyman #49...
OK, then you see the data for 175gr lead with Unique on p364 ? That's going to be very similar to your quest. Lead is going to be slightly faster than plated, but close enough for our purposes.
4.7gr = 898fps and 5.8gr = 971fps
If we make a
proportion from this data we can see that 5.66gr will result in 950fps. Since we'd need to bump it a tad for plated, then call it 5.7gr. Now, you need to understand that the load is not a straight line. Efficiency of the "burn" grows as the load increases, so our plot is a curved line. But proportions can be used when no direct data presents itself to some reasonable effect. At least it's built on some semblance of published data, and not an outright "guess".
Just so you understand, I used 175gr lead data becasue most plated bullets are closer to lead in behavior. If I knew the plating was extra thick (like a Berry RNHB-TP, or a Speer Gold Dot) then I would have opted for jacketed data.
From studying the data, apparently you'll barely make 950fps and never get to 1000fps with Unique.
Added additional thoughts this AM