I recently put a Trijicon MRO on a high mount on my SBR Scorpion. It's okay. I had a Bushnell TRS25 and actually preferred it. The problem was that the Bushnell couldn't survive living in my trunk and would suffer from randomly turning itself off, not to mention its propensity to eat batteries.
If I may ask, what do you not like about the MRO? Is it the mount or the optic itself?
I ask because I am strongly considering an MRO myself... It seems like the most economic "Go to War Reliable" optic on the market.
Sorry for the late reply. I think most people would probably prefer the MRO over most other red dots. It's a great optic and it's nice to know that it will survive anything short of a nuclear blast. I personally prefer the smaller diameter of most other tube-style red dots. I had grown accustomed to my Bushnell and liked the style. The MRO is still new and I'm getting used to it, so the larger viewing area is taking some getting used to. That said, I can shoot it with both eyes open, which I couldn't do with the smaller style red dot.
I don't dislike it. I think I was just expecting to be blown away, considering how expensive it is relative to other red dots I've owned. Another minor quibble is that it is not perfectly machined. Even most cheap red dots are machined well look nice right out of the box. On the contrary, the MRO is forged rather crudely, so they come with a big gnarly welded seam and a bunch of small pock marks all over them. It's all just cosmetic stuff that doesn't matter, and I suspect that the imperfections are just the price you pay to have a forged housing rather than something milled from billet aluminum. But it nevertheless surprised me when I took it out of the box and it wasn't perfect. I should point out that my guns all get used hard, so it won't matter in the big picture. It was just surprising.
Lastly, I always thought I had trouble with red dot clarity because I was buying cheap red dots. After buying my MRO and then looking at some Aimpoints, I now realize that my eyes just can't see red dots clearly. I've given some thought to getting a small prism scope. I have a large prism scope on my AR and it's crystal clear to me.
All that to say, I think most people would prefer the MRO, and I probably will too in the long run. I was just accustomed to my Bushnell and I'm grumpy about change.