Author Topic: CZ 27 Markings and Meanings ?  (Read 6242 times)

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Offline tbreen

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CZ 27 Markings and Meanings ?
« on: June 26, 2018, 08:33:18 PM »
I am digging for information on the markings on my recent acquisition. Rig purchased as one lot. Holster stamped 1942. Trying to figure out what the markings mean, and if serial number and mags would match same 1942 time frame. Any Alms for the ignorant
« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 08:46:53 PM by tbreen »

Offline rdcinhou

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Re: CZ 27 Markings and Meanings ?
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2018, 06:02:27 PM »
Photos don't show serial number and are too low of resolution and wrong angle to identify what few markings there appear to be.

Berger's Know Your Czechoslovakian Pistols page 50 states:

"In an effort to hide the location of factories producing weapons, the Germans introduced - in June 1941 - a letter code system to replace factory names.  the ?esk? Zbrojovka factory received the code letters 'fnh'.  In the case of the vz 27, it was not used until mid-1943."

This would lead me to believe that your holster is of an earlier date than the pistol.

Please describe all of the marks on the gun including what is on top of the slide.

CZ24/27/38/40P/45/52, Vzor 50/70,75BΩ,75D Compact,P01/07/09,P10M/S/C/F(9mm,.45), Phantom,SP01 Tactical,Shadow 2 (Blue,Urban Gray), 82/83/85 PreB, 97BE,97BD,97BDE,100,1911A1, 2075D RAMI,452 American,550 Urban Counter Sniper,805 Bren S1,Drake G2,Duo,Z,vz24 8mm Mauser,FK 7.5 BRNO Field Pistol, PSD

Offline tbreen

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Re: CZ 27 Markings and Meanings ?
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2018, 07:15:03 PM »
Sorry, I am new to posting on a forum, and also how to upload pictures. Newbie is a gross understatement.
Markings: The serial number is marked on the top of the slide and the right of the dust cover. An eagle clutching a swastika is marked on the top of the slide and the right side of the barrel at the chamber. An eagle over "WaA76" is marked on the bottom of the barrel in front of the chamber and on the right of the frame over the grip. The left side of the slide is marked "fnh Pistole Modell 27 Kal. 7.65". The rear of the holster just above the belt loop is marked with a circular "CZ" logo, eagle over "WaA76", "1942", and "P. Mod. 27". The floorplate of each magazine is marked "P. Mod. 27".

Offline rdcinhou

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Re: CZ 27 Markings and Meanings ?
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2018, 08:28:53 PM »
The WaA76 is Waffenamt 76 a German Military acceptance mark.  Since there is no letter with the eagle/swastika it is not one of the rarer German Navy guns.

The WaA76 coupled with "fnh" means that it was manufactured in Strakonice (Prag).

The Berger book doesn't list any ranges of serial numbers and dates.  It does have single data points and the "claimed" German production numbers (500 per day and 15,000 per month).  From this I would say that yours could be as early as late 1942, but more likely mid-1943.  The Czechs typically stamped a 2-digit year when they were in production, but when the Germans occupied the factories, they did not follow the Czech labeling methodology.

The P mod 27 on the magazines were typical of the original magazines supplied with the vz 27s.

If you plan to continue collecting older CZs you might want to acquire the Berger book.  It is out of print, but copies can be had on the Internet.

FYI... my vz 27 was manufactured about 1945 with a S/N of 477502.  It has no military proof marks whatsoever and no stamped date.  It is also labeled fnh so it was manufactured in Strakonice.
CZ24/27/38/40P/45/52, Vzor 50/70,75BΩ,75D Compact,P01/07/09,P10M/S/C/F(9mm,.45), Phantom,SP01 Tactical,Shadow 2 (Blue,Urban Gray), 82/83/85 PreB, 97BE,97BD,97BDE,100,1911A1, 2075D RAMI,452 American,550 Urban Counter Sniper,805 Bren S1,Drake G2,Duo,Z,vz24 8mm Mauser,FK 7.5 BRNO Field Pistol, PSD

Offline tbreen

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Re: CZ 27 Markings and Meanings ?
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2018, 08:55:47 PM »
Thank You for the information, and the direction where I can find more.