Author Topic: Issues with suppressor alignment  (Read 5650 times)

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Offline Captain Paul

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Re: Issues with suppressor alignment
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2018, 01:27:45 PM »
I smoothed the end of the rod and lubed it. I have the barrel out of the gun. It won't fit into the barrel of my Scorpion pistol or carbine barrel or even the barrel from one of my other pistols. And they have all been cleaned. And doesn't even seem that close. Seems to measure .348 on my caliper.

Looks to me like the SAAMI spec is .347 diameter of the lands. Maybe my bores are just a little too tight for the .348. I just ordered a .3281 rod and i'll see how that looks.

Offline Captain Paul

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Re: Issues with suppressor alignment
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2018, 12:20:10 AM »
On two different barrels when I slide the suppressor and barrel up and down on the alignment rod it appears to graze the suppressor in the same spot. It seems to be difficult to make it touch anywhere else. I sent the suppressor and my pistol barrel back to the manufacturer today. Hopefully i'll hear back from them with what they find next week.

Offline Asylum9

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Re: Issues with suppressor alignment
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2018, 01:48:57 PM »
Have you tried another suppressor or just that one with a different monocore inserted? If it's the same outer tube and thread adapter I'd say your thread adapter is out of spec

Offline Captain Paul

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Re: Issues with suppressor alignment
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2018, 06:56:16 PM »
I got the suppressor back. They replaced the screw cap that the fixed piston fits into. They test shot it and said the test gun shot better than without the suppressor. I fit it onto my barrel and slid it up and down my rod and it does not appear to rub anymore.

I tried my pistol hand loads and it shot worse. Then I shot a couple 3 shot 1" groups. Seems like maybe it is very finicky about ammo.

Might have gotten lucky with the two 3 shot groups because when I went back out I couldn't repeat it. I tried 5 loads, two factory 115 grain, a 147 Berry with both 3.3 and 3.5 grain Titegroup and Fiocchi 158 grain. Without the suppressor at 25' they all shot from 1" to 1 1/2" five shot groups.

Suppressed I got a 2" with the Fiocchi and 3 1/4"-6 1/4" for everything else.

This Scorpion pistol barrel just really does not like this suppressor. Or the other way around. Hopefully tomorrow i'll try it on my friends Ruger PCC. I could put my carbine barrel back in it but I really don't want to shoot it like that so probably won't. Might also try it on another friends Scorpion to see if it's my barrel.

Any other ideas or load suggestions?

Offline Asylum9

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Re: Issues with suppressor alignment
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2018, 12:46:22 AM »
Good to see they found and fixed the problem. At least with the strikes.
I don't have any personal experience with monocore suppressors. The only recommendation I could make is to clock the suppressor ever time it's installed. If the suppressor is causing a point of impact shift it should be at least repeatable if everything is lined up the same every time you install the suppressor.
At 50 yards I don't have any noticeable point of aim / impact shift shooting suppressed vs non assuming I'm using the same ammo.
Keep us updated with your findings with the Ruger.

Offline Captain Paul

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Re: Issues with suppressor alignment
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2018, 12:08:15 AM »
River PCC shot pretty well with all ammo we tried. Then had a friend bring his Scorpion with pistol barrel and he got pretty much the same results as mine. He also has one with a carbine barrel. I might try that just to see. So for some reason Scorpion pistol barrels don?t shoot that suppressor well.

Not sure what else to try.