Author Topic: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size  (Read 15198 times)

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Offline charlestheforth

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First off just want to say I became a rami owner 3 months ago and have been obsessed with this gun,  I have never shot a subcompact so well.

However, I am a man who likes to be able to get a full grip on my guns, so I bought one of those pierce grip extensions (made for the Springfield XDE I think) and filed it down to fit the rami.  Thsee grip extensions make this gun almost perfect, as now I can get a full purchase on the gun.

I have always felt a little weird using a grip extension, almost like I'm missing out on something (if I have a longer grip I should also benefit from more bullets).  The problem is that the 14 round magazines for this gun make the grip the same dimensions as a compact firearm, so you lose all the benefit of having a subcompact by using them.   
This gun would be PERFECT if cz would make am 11 or 12 round magazine.  Something slightly bigger such that I could get all 3 fingers around the gun but not so big as to make it dimensionally the same as a compact.     I really get a high grip and jam my fingers as close to the trigger guard as possible (as I think most people do) so I think an 11 or 12 round magazine would be perfect size to allow a full 3 finger grip for the rami

What do you all think?  Is there anywhere around that sells 11 or 12 round cz magazines? 

Offline charlestheforth

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2018, 12:47:12 AM »
no one?...
The 10 round magazine that comes with the gun digs into the top 1/4 of my pinky.  with an 11 round magazine and a baseplate that doesnt jut out into the pinky it would be just big enough to get that last finger on, but not so big as to negate having a subcompact handgun.

Offline charlestheforth

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2018, 01:09:16 AM »  (new here, havent quite figured out how to post pics...)
Heres the gun with the original 10 round magazine.  I sanded down the baseplate to see if that would allow me to get my pinky on it.  its SO CLOSE.  an 11 round magazine with a baseplate like this would make this gun perfect for my hand.  And I have pretty normal sized hands so id think other people would be in the same boat. 

Offline MeatAxe

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2018, 01:18:49 AM »
The reason why there are no 11 or 12 round mags for the Rami is due to the fact that:

a) the Rami can take any CZ75 magazine.

b) there are already a lot of 14 round mags in existence and being made for the CZ75 Compact models.

c) 14 rounds > 11 or 12 rounds.

I suppose you could make your own 11 or 12 round mag by adding a two-round extended floor plate to a Rami 10-rounder.

Offline charlestheforth

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2018, 01:26:56 AM »
Check out the pic I just took.
The rami 10 round magazines are like 1/4 inch from being long enough to get a pinky on.

If im going to use a 14 round magazine why even carry a subcompact at that point if the grip is the same size as the compacts?
IMO the perfect carry gun should have a magazine just long enough to get your pinky on and not a cm longer. 

You say they have baseplates that could let me do this?  Can you point me in the right direction?

Offline MeatAxe

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2018, 01:29:38 AM »

To each his own, I guess.

I find the Rami a lot more concealable than the P-01 yet has the same mag capacity. To me the Rami is like a snub nosed CZ75. Personally, I don't have much trouble concealing it for EDC.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 01:36:05 AM by MeatAxe »

Offline mecenas

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2018, 09:26:58 AM »
I guess people keep forgetting that in 1994, US Congress enacted ban on a large capacity magazines exceeding 10 cartridges. This law had a "sunset clause" which meant it would expired 10 years later, unless re-enacted again. That effort failed, but since then some states (i.e. California, Massachusetts) enacted their own keeping the count to 10.

CZ knew how popular these pistols may become and designed RAMI to be able to be exported to all 50 states, keeping magazine capacity to 10. Today RAMI pistols headed for these states come with two 10 rounders rather than one 10 and one 14.

Good thinking.

Offline gculpable

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2018, 12:52:21 PM »
There are a few companies that make +2 extensions for CZ magazines, Taran Tactical is the one that comes to mind.  These look to be marketed for use on the higher capacity magazines for competitive shooters by I can't think of a reason that they wouldn't work on the 10 round RAMI magazines.

I've not tried this and can't say for sure if they work with the RAMI but I'm sure you could call Taran Tactical and ask.  It might be what you are looking for.  You could also check with CZ Customs or Cajun Gun works.  They are the best sources for all things CZ.
CZ 75BD Compact (not PCR)
CZ SP-01 Tactical
CZ P-01
CZ P-07
CZ P-09
CZ P-10c
Canik55 Stingray C

Offline charlestheforth

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2018, 04:49:34 PM »
 These +2 baseplates look awesome and are pretty much exactly what im looking for.  However, if there was a +1 baseplate I think that would be perfect.   

I realize im being OCD about a difference of a quarter inch of grip length..  But I really want the grip to be long enough to allow me to get a pinky on it and no longer.  That in my mind would equate to the perfect dimensions for a double stack carry pistol.

The rami is already the best subcompact Ive ever shot, this would just make it literally perfect for me. 

On a side note though Im suprised that this isnt a standard request for a carry pistol.. 

also, would anyone care to teach me how to attach a picture>?  I uploaded one to imgur and put the link in between the "" but still nothing attached. 

Offline rkwhyte2

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2018, 05:49:27 PM »
I think the problem you are having posting pictures has to do with the "" you are talking about. All you have to do is paste the link you got from Imgur nothing else just the link.

Offline dannyvi

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2018, 11:09:15 PM »
I, myself, do not use and trust the 14 round mags on a Rami! More nose diving . I tried cleaning the mags, using the +10  pound mag, etc. So I jyst stay away and just use the 10 round rounds that is just so reliable.

Offline MeatAxe

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2018, 08:14:43 PM »
I, myself, do not use and trust the 14 round mags on a Rami! More nose diving . I tried cleaning the mags, using the +10  pound mag, etc. So I jyst stay away and just use the 10 round rounds that is just so reliable.

Unlike the CZ75s, the Rami feed ramp is pretty steep at the bottom, which could hang up and cause a jam, especially if the bullets you're using are flat or have a sharp edge around tip / hollow point. 

Barnes Tac XP bullets can stick on the bottom of the feed ramp, especially if the mag springs are getting weak. The +10 mag springs seem to have fixed that problem for me, so far, but am considering coating the bullet tips with magazine lube to keep them slick and sliding up the feed ramp.

Offline dannyvi

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2018, 09:09:22 PM »
I never have any problem with the 10 round mags, though. It's only the 14 round mags that nose dives. I even put light oil on the mag itself hoping it helps a smooth feed!

Offline Husky629

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2018, 08:34:48 PM »
I, myself, do not use and trust the 14 round mags on a Rami! More nose diving . I tried cleaning the mags, using the +10  pound mag, etc. So I jyst stay away and just use the 10 round rounds that is just so reliable.

Unlike the CZ75s, the Rami feed ramp is pretty steep at the bottom, which could hang up and cause a jam, especially if the bullets you're using are flat or have a sharp edge around tip / hollow point. 

Barnes Tac XP bullets can stick on the bottom of the feed ramp, especially if the mag springs are getting weak. The +10 mag springs seem to have fixed that problem for me, so far, but am considering coating the bullet tips with magazine lube to keep them slick and sliding up the feed ramp.

I had similar issues with HST's and their sharp leading edge catching the bottom of the feed ramp, but only with the 14 rd mags.  Going to extra power magazine springs and 124 gr +P Gold Dots made my RAMI BD 100% with the 14 rounders.

Offline Tyerone

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Re: Why no 11 or 12 round magazines for rami? They would be perfect size
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2018, 09:06:46 PM »
Just tuck your pinky under the base plate.  The Rami still has plenty of weight to keep the gun steady with a 2 finger grip!  Very accurate with this method from day one.  You can do it too!  Even my lighter yet Beretta Nano with long revolver-like stiff double action trigger pull is steady with a 2 finger hold.