I was at the range today chronoing a bunch of stuff.
122gn Acme flat point at 1.04 OAL Out of Shadow, 4.5" barrel, Out of an M&P Shield, 3.1" barrel, 1014 fps. Out of an M&P Compact, 4"barrel, 1087 fps. This was with 4.5gns of WSF, a fairly slow powder for 9mm USPSA shooters. Though if your S&B stuff is getting 146 pf out of a hand gun, I'd expect they are using something similar to WSF on the speed chart.
I did the same thing with another load. 147gn Blue Bullet flat point with 1.12 OAL at 3.4 gn of HP38. Shadow, 929 fps, Shield 852, M&P Compact 906.
YMMV. But this probably puts you in the ball park. I've never heard of someone shooting factory 124gn 9mm going sub-minor at a major match.
If you are nervous, I recommend you find a friend with a chrono.