I have (2) 20?s and (14) 30?s, I loaded the 20?s on day 1 (September 2016) and have not touched them, no broken feed lips. I loaded all the 30?s and shot them to verify function, all worked fine, as of right now I have 9 loaded with 147 grain HST, 1 in the gun, 8 in a carrying pouch on standby, none have broken lips or cracks. I use 2 of the others as range mags. It sucks that so many people have had problems with the OEM 30?s, it is well documented as a problem at this point, I am fortunate to have not been 1 of them. Palmetto State Armory was looking at making their own 35 round scorpion mags, we will have to see what those are like