Neither of my P-07's have done this, stock or with CGW mods.
My range / dry-fire / test P-07, the one I have been dry firing a lot lately, has a CGW .220 roller which replaced the stock .210 roller. It seems to do a much better job of actually rolling and feels like it improved the DA pull. It also has the CGW hammer, SRK, reduced FPB spring, .020 sear spring. I dry fire it often, like usually daily at least 20-30 single action pulls with a MantisX, where I am being very slow and deliberate about my trigger break. I haven't noticed anything like this, although I am quite familiar by feel with the SA "creep" on the stock hammer and the cleaner break of the CGW hammer.
I actually have another issue currently, a really infrequent light strike with multiple different kinds of ammo. Like today I had 1 out of 150 WWB 9mm NATO 124 gr light strike once, ignite on second strike. Previously it was 1 out of 50 Fiocchi After reading around various threads here and elsewhere I think it may be my FPB plunger is out of spec, probably because I polished it too much. The overall length of it is .005 shorter than an unpolished one I have as a spare, so I popped the spare in tonight, and will test it further on my next range trip. If that doesn't work, I may send it in to CGW to take a look and either adjust the FPB timing by reducing the shelf size or fix whatever else they may find wrong with it.
Meanwhile my carry P-07 is running CGW springs but stock hammer, FP, roller, no SRK, unpolished internals, and has never had a single malfunction, period. Well except that time I didn't get the mag release rod back in correctly after swapping it to lefty, and it fell out at the range, or when my son didn't lock the mag in and experienced a "failure to feed" because the mag had started sliding out, but these are problems we created for ourselves...