Hello All,
So over on Enos' forum, I was made aware that CZ now makes an extended manual safety tab that has the same profile as the one on the Shadow 2...which many know can install on a Tac Sport because of the wider frame dimension but not on a CZ 75 or SP01. Well, they recently started coming out with one that fits on their SP01 Shadow Orange.....

...and I was kindly guided as to where to purchase in Europe....
http://www.luckydelta.com/shop/CZ-Teile-Tuning/Sicherungen-Safety/CZ75-SP-01-SHADOW-ORANGE-WIDE-SAFETY-SET-RECHTSHAND.htmlLike many I can't deal with the 'regular' CZ extended safeties with that low tab, so I installed a CZ Custom Extended safety on a few guns and dremeled them down so they don't stick out so far......
Accu Shadow....

'Long Slide' Shadow SAO (fitted TS Slide)

Ordered two of the new S2-styled safeties....

Installed in my Accu Shadow, went right in and fit the adjustable sear fine....

Works great!
Pros: fits the sear cage nice and snug and actually has less play than the previous CZC extended unit. A more positive click when disengaging. Clears the support hand a little better than the previous one (which has a downward tilt to the tab). Places the thumb up a little higher still.
Cons: Probably because I've gotten so used to the ground-down CZC units that were there before, but there is a more gentle 'sweep' on the rear of the tab on the older one which is a little more comfortable of a rest for the strong-hand thumb (no doubt part of the 'rocking' on/off feature). So when drawing and sweeping off, it's a slightly different feel on the SP01 frames (I've had both a Shadow 2 and Tac Sport Blue with this safety), but again it's probably just getting used to them again. I'm going to try it first on my Accu Shadow through a few matches. Then if I really like I will put the other one my long-slide, on which I need to file down the lug where it engaged the sear since the long-slide doesn't have the CJW adjustable sear and needed the safety fit to it.
But anyway, for those who pined for a Shadow 2 safety that would fit the SP01...myself included......they're here!