The Original CZ Forum
CZ PISTOL CLUBS => CZ Polymer Pistols: P10, P-07, P-09 => Topic started by: RSR on December 19, 2018, 11:15:52 PM
This is stupid cheap:
Merry Christmas! (Wish DA/SA NIB CZs came this cheap!)
EDIT: Searching, a few places have up to $25 cheaper:
Apparently not quite the deal I thought it was. But still a no brainer vs a Glock, etc striker options.
Salad days, sir, salad days, get em while they're hot.
Wow, with night sights. That is crazy. Weren't they the ones who recently had the P09 for like $399? Too bad buying presents has me low on gun funds.
Was driving by Tombstone Tactical the afternoon and drove home with a CZ p10c, 2018, trig. night sights, front sight outlined in white, metal guide rod, ambi mag release, $379 includes shipping. There are some front sights outlined in orange and I would have liked that: Oh well. Tried several guns and either CZ has fixed the "stiff" mag release, I got lucky on all 3, or some people need hand strengthening exercises. Besides the excellent price I got this version so it would have ambi controls without changing parts out. Seems like a step backward to me on the new version. I guess people never shoot or practice offhand.
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Got loads of CZ?s but still don?t own a striker CZ....
... that?s (very) soon to change...
armoredman: sure you don?t need a new one? I?d take that white knight off your hands to ?make room?, and help a brother out. :D ;D 8)
Was driving by Tombstone Tactical the afternoon and drove home with a CZ p10c, 2018, trig. night sights, front sight outlined in white, metal guide rod, ambi mag release, $379 includes shipping. There are some front sights outlined in orange and I would have liked that: Oh well. Tried several guns and either CZ has fixed the "stiff" mag release, I got lucky on all 3, or some people need hand strengthening exercises. Besides the excellent price I got this version so it would have ambi controls without changing parts out. Seems like a step backward to me on the new version. I guess people never shoot or practice offhand.
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Very nice. I made a stop today and came home with something that looks like that but has a longer barrel and taller sights for almost the same money.
Was driving by Tombstone Tactical the afternoon and drove home with a CZ p10c, 2018, trig. night sights, front sight outlined in white, metal guide rod, ambi mag release, $379 includes shipping. There are some front sights outlined in orange and I would have liked that: Oh well. Tried several guns and either CZ has fixed the "stiff" mag release, I got lucky on all 3, or some people need hand strengthening exercises. Besides the excellent price I got this version so it would have ambi controls without changing parts out. Seems like a step backward to me on the new version. I guess people never shoot or practice offhand.
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I'm thinking the same here. The ambi mag release was complained about much more than it warranted. I am really tempted to pick up a third P10C while these are available with the true ambi mag release. Last spring I fell and tore two rotator cuff tendons and suddenly went from shooting right handed to shooting completely left handed. When it first happened, I could not have taken the mag release apart to swap it if my life depended on it. I was more than happy to have a true ambi pistol that let me keep carrying without any issues.
Salad days for sure....that is really tempting.
Was driving by Tombstone Tactical the afternoon and drove home with a CZ p10c, 2018, trig. night sights, front sight outlined in white, metal guide rod, ambi mag release, $379 includes shipping. There are some front sights outlined in orange and I would have liked that: Oh well. Tried several guns and either CZ has fixed the "stiff" mag release, I got lucky on all 3, or some people need hand strengthening exercises. Besides the excellent price I got this version so it would have ambi controls without changing parts out. Seems like a step backward to me on the new version. I guess people never shoot or practice offhand.
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Picked up one online today...are these true night sights ???
Yes. I asked at CZC. They are not as big or bright has Trijicon's but show up very nice in the dark. The white outline offers a nice contrast to the darker rear sights during the day.
Edit to add,
Got it all cleaned and relubed. Even got to the range and out of the car, but sadly it looks like next week before it gets used. One thing I noticed while working the action at home is that the right side IS a lot harder to depress. It's doable but when comparing the left vs right there's a big difference.
Also when did CZ stop including a mag loader? Not a deal breaker, I use an Uploader, but I thought it was odd.
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I see one of these sub 400 PC10s in my near future
Best deal out there for a poly
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I see one of these sub 400 PC10s in my near future
Best deal out there for a poly
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Love my CZs' but the "best" poly deal has got to be the SAR K2P 9mm. Has a full size grip (17 rnds) with a compact barrel and adjustable sights. The Da/Sa trigger is decent out of the box. A cheap spring change and buff gets it really decent. My daughter travels with one and likes that you can load the first round with the safety engaged. Bonus points it uses standard cz75b series mags. Not even sure if $270 is the best price.
Thanks for the info from this thread. Ordered one from Tombstone.
Night sites ? IMHO, If its so dark that you can't see your sights and you need for them to glow , then you surely can't see your target and shouldn't be shooting in the dark. question is, what's behind your supposed Target.🤔
Night sites ? IMHO, If its so dark that you can't see your sights and you need for them to glow , then you surely can't see your target and shouldn't be shooting in the dark. question is, what's behind your supposed Target.🤔
The point is the sights show up brightly in low light and no light conditions and are fast to acquire at that point.No one said anything about shooting blind in the dark.
They also make the gun easy to spot in a dark room. Just a matter of preference not a safety issue at all.
Night sites ? IMHO, If its so dark that you can't see your sights and you need for them to glow , then you surely can't see your target and shouldn't be shooting in the dark. question is, what's behind your supposed Target.[emoji848]
The point is the sights show up brightly in low light and no light conditions and are fast to acquire at that point.No one said anything about shooting blind in the dark.
They also make the gun easy to spot in a dark room. Just a matter of preference not a safety issue at all.
Night sights are a must have for any gun that gets carried because every night, I take the carry gun and put it on the nightstand next to the dedicated night stand gun (which also has night sights). When I wake up in a dark room, I can see exactly how to grab a gun in the dark whether it?s to holster the carry gun and step downstairs for something or grab the light equipped nightstand gun for defense.
Without night sights, the chance of grabbing a gun under stress and knocking it behind the nightstand by mistake is drastically reduced. They are like the approach lights flying tankers have to let fighter jets orient themselves in the dark.
I?m about to trade in my Glock 19 Gen 4 on a P10C FDE with night sights.
Been wanting a P10 for a while and I?m still getting Glock knuckle soreness even if I shoot 5 rounds.
I slightly modified the Glock trigger guard but still get soreness.
My other shooters Sig 320 MP 2.0 Compact CZ P07 and Sig 1911 give me no issues at all. Just have to give up the Glock.
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Doesn?t matter how great a gun is. If it doesn?t fit and work for YOUR needs, then off it should go.
Helps you find the gun? 🤔
A lot of practice and good muscle memory should put that gun right in front of you where it belongs to start with. Dry-fire practice at home picking a spot on the wall and close your eyes .JMHO
Night sites ? IMHO, If its so dark that you can't see your sights and you need for them to glow , then you surely can't see your target and shouldn't be shooting in the dark. question is, what's behind your supposed Target.[emoji848]
The point is the sights show up brightly in low light and no light conditions and are fast to acquire at that point.No one said anything about shooting blind in the dark.
They also make the gun easy to spot in a dark room. Just a matter of preference not a safety issue at all.
Night sights are a must have for any gun that gets carried because every night, I take the carry gun and put it on the nightstand next to the dedicated night stand gun (which also has night sights). When I wake up in a dark room, I can see exactly how to grab a gun in the dark whether it?s to holster the carry gun and step downstairs for something or grab the light equipped nightstand gun for defense.
Without night sights, the chance of grabbing a gun under stress and knocking it behind the nightstand by mistake is drastically reduced. They are like the approach lights flying tankers have to let fighter jets orient themselves in the dark.
Put a light in the drawer so when you open the drawer the light goes on.
Night sites ? IMHO, If its so dark that you can't see your sights and you need for them to glow , then you surely can't see your target and shouldn't be shooting in the dark. question is, what's behind your supposed Target.[emoji848]
The point is the sights show up brightly in low light and no light conditions and are fast to acquire at that point.No one said anything about shooting blind in the dark.
They also make the gun easy to spot in a dark room. Just a matter of preference not a safety issue at all.
Night sights are a must have for any gun that gets carried because every night, I take the carry gun and put it on the nightstand next to the dedicated night stand gun (which also has night sights). When I wake up in a dark room, I can see exactly how to grab a gun in the dark whether it?s to holster the carry gun and step downstairs for something or grab the light equipped nightstand gun for defense.
Without night sights, the chance of grabbing a gun under stress and knocking it behind the nightstand by mistake is drastically reduced. They are like the approach lights flying tankers have to let fighter jets orient themselves in the dark.
Put a light in the drawer so when you open the drawer the light goes on.
Why don't we just sleep with the light on? I like night sights as do many others. If you don't like them or see the benefit that is just and only your opinion. To each his own.
I put my PO 9 that's still in the holster in the third drawer down of my dresser. It's in the same position every time when I put it in there. So for me when I reach in the drawer I know exactly where it is.
After it's in your hand the rest is ""muscle memory"" , and puts that pistol right in front of me exactly where it should be.
Next time you go target shooting stand 20 feet from a man size silhouettes target. Draw your pistol from the holster and don't even looking at the sites and squeezed off two rounds. If your shots aren't anywhere near Center Mass you need more dry-fire practice.
If you do hit Center Mass, try it again with your eyes closed. That'll give you a pretty good idea of your muscle memory.
Like you said to each his own, I believe night sights are a gimmick.
If you're going to put anything like that worthwhile on your pistol, put an RDS on it, that changes everything.jmho
Use whatever works for you or whatever you like.
Just because a person doesn?t see the usefulness of night sights doesn?t mean they aren?t useful to a particular user.
If someone likes the fact they can see their weapon on their night stand in a dark room that?s great if it provides a level of ease.
Night Sights are optional and sometimes standard equipment on pistols and they?ve been around for a while so I would assume they?re a lot of people that find their usefulness. civilian,military and law enforcement.
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I put my PO 9 that's still in the holster in the third drawer down of my dresser. It's in the same position every time when I put it in there. So for me when I reach in the drawer I know exactly where it is.
After it's in your hand the rest is ""muscle memory"" , and puts that pistol right in front of me exactly where it should be.
Next time you go target shooting stand 20 feet from a man size silhouettes target. Draw your pistol from the holster and don't even looking at the sites and squeezed off two rounds. If your shots aren't anywhere near Center Mass you need more dry-fire practice.
If you do hit Center Mass, try it again with your eyes closed. That'll give you a pretty good idea of your muscle memory.
Like you said to each his own, I believe night sights are a gimmick.
If you're going to put anything like that worthwhile on your pistol, put an RDS on it, that changes everything.jmho
Yeah don't need a lesson in shooting or muscle memory as I've got all that. I practice accurate shooting by acquiring the sights quickly and placing rounds in a specific location not just a specific vicinity. We all pick the system that works best for us and that's what I have done.
I've shot pistols with the RDS but that is just not a system I'm interested in at this time.
This thread has gotten silly. How is being able to see night sights in a dimly lit environment any different than being able to see an RDS in a dimly lit environment?
This thread has gotten silly. How is being able to see night sights in a dimly lit environment any different than being able to see an RDS in a dimly lit environment?
No difference just preference. Only reason I wouldn't have an RDS is it limits carry comfort and I don't always carry in a holster so the RDS would be in the way. Also I'm not knocking anyone's decision to utilize one if that is what they like.
Of course the thread was about the great prices the P10C with night sights can be had for but we've wandered off into opinion land again.
Of course the thread was about the great prices the P10C with night sights can be had for but we've wandered off into opinion land again.
I will try to get us back on track. ;)
The prices are very tempting especially with night sights. I've resisted the P10C through all the hype, I never like to buy a brand new model. I understand there have been some rolling changes so I would hope if there were any issues they've been sorted out by now. Question for the P10C guys, are these being produced in the USA?
Sorry to everyone for getting off topic I'll just let it be as it is.
Of course the thread was about the great prices the P10C with night sights can be had for but we've wandered off into opinion land again.
I will try to get us back on track. ;)
The prices are very tempting especially with night sights. I've resisted the P10C through all the hype, I never like to buy a brand new model. I understand there have been some rolling changes so I would hope if there were any issues they've been sorted out by now. Question for the P10C guys, are these being produced in the USA?
I saw this video a few days ago. According to this guy the P10 C with a 91521 SKU has the updates that addressed the issues.
The one I?m getting next week has this sku.
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Of course the thread was about the great prices the P10C with night sights can be had for but we've wandered off into opinion land again.
I will try to get us back on track. ;)
The prices are very tempting especially with night sights. I've resisted the P10C through all the hype, I never like to buy a brand new model. I understand there have been some rolling changes so I would hope if there were any issues they've been sorted out by now. Question for the P10C guys, are these being produced in the USA?
the ones sold by CDNN are most likely the remaining imported P-10c pistols that were sitting at a distributor (since the new ones will be a new SKU, they closeout the old ones)
the ones sold by CDNN are most likely the remaining imported P-10c pistols that were sitting at a distributor (since the new ones will be a new SKU, they closeout the old ones)
Good info. They have, or did have, black ones too for $10 less earlier in the week.
So the 3 O?clock notch being present on the back plate is not indicative all the updates being current, because the pistol in the video does not have that visual feature (looked twice, sorry if I missed it)? Or, the subject pistol is not the latest iteration?
3:00 notch indicates the latest revision.
Thanks Earl. I guess my point being that the subject pistol in the posted video is not the most current iteration (a dated video, not an example of the most current version of that model, or both)
Just got my P10 C FDE today and it has the 3 o?clock notch.
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Just got my P10 C FDE today and it has the 3 o?clock notch.
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Same here. Picked it up yesterday.
Ordered one today from CDNN. I couldn't resist.
I received my FDE P10C from CDNN yesterday; SKU is 91521, it has the 3-o'clock notch, and the test "target" shows an 8-22-18 test date.
I received my FDE P10C from CDNN yesterday; SKU is 91521, it has the 3-o'clock notch, and the test "target" shows an 8-22-18 test date.
Same SKU as mine. Test date 8-28-18
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I received my FDE P10C from CDNN yesterday; SKU is 91521, it has the 3-o'clock notch, and the test "target" shows an 8-22-18 test date.
Same SKU as mine. Test date 8-28-18
Just got my P10 C FDE today and it has the 3 o?clock notch.
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Thanks for the update. Hopefully some of the other vendors are now out of the older rev guns as well. I know many local shops can have inventory sitting for a long time so that might be a bad place to try to buy one of these.
Just received mine, test target 8/28/18 as well. It looks and feels nice and the sights seem good. But, I was expecting more from the out of the box trigger. Its breaking at 7 lbs and is creepy, gronchy, and actually feels worse than the triggers on my glock 42, my m and p compact with apex stuff, my shield with apex stuff, and the VP 9 I sold to a friend. It is quite disappointing. I'm going to take it to the range and insure functionality and then I will install the CGW trigger and striker I have coming in and think about installing other striker springs and polishing to see what kind of a trigger pull I can get out of it.
I shot it today. It feels very good in the hand and points beautifully. I couldn't help myself and did a detail strip and installed a CGW trigger and striker and a couple springs, and some polishing, before taking it out. The pin that held the trigger to the trigger bar was walking out as delivered from the factory so I corrected that issue before shooting it. I got the trigger down to about 5 and 1/4 pounds before hitting the range. I like the way it shoots and feels. But, I also took my P01 omega with full CGW kit and I shoot the metal gun better. I'll keep working with the p10 but I really think I will never like striker fired polymer guns as much as metal framed hammer equipped guns, but time will tell. The triggers are better and the recoil impulses are different and more favorable to me on the metal framed hammer equipped guns.
I let go most of the other striker fired guns I've ever owned including springfield xdm, and H and K vp9. However, I think I'll probably keep the p10. I do plan to try some glock striker springs and I can think of a few more places to polish; I'm hoping to further smooth the trigger and drop another 3/4-1lbs on the pull weight.
I've got one coming in next week :)
Plan is to just run several hundred rounds through it and see how the trigger feels afterwards.
Maybe some polishing if it needs it, but for now I just plan on swapping to a stainless guide rod.
Checked mine, 8/28/18.
People seem to be excited that the US made P-10's are going to be better ?? :-\
At least with SIG's, Euro made ones have always been way better.
Quality control was always worse with the US made guns.
Re Sigs and USA -- primarily, USA sigs are assembled in the USA, not manufactured here. Lots of controversy in this same area in the premium knife world... The issue w/ USA Sigs insofar as I'm aware primarily one of cheap (both materials and production) cast and mim parts from India and elsewhere... Also, USA Sigs primarily have heavy slides that interchange between .40 and 9mm, which adds a lot of unnecessary weight, etc. Uncertain to what degree current Sig frames are made in USA vs Germany, or elsewhere b/c quite frankly the only USA Sigs I'm interested in are the Sig Pros, SP2022s, and even those are pricey relative to other options.
Re Sigs and USA -- primarily, USA sigs are assembled in the USA, not manufactured here. Lots of controversy in this same area in the premium knife world... The issue w/ USA Sigs insofar as I'm aware primarily one of cheap (both materials and production) cast and mim parts from India and elsewhere... Also, USA Sigs primarily have heavy slides that interchange between .40 and 9mm, which adds a lot of unnecessary weight, etc. Uncertain to what degree current Sig frames are made in USA vs Germany, or elsewhere b/c quite frankly the only USA Sigs I'm interested in are the Sig Pros, SP2022s, and even those are pricey relative to other options.
Haven't had any issue with the 5 Sigs I've acquired over the past year.Growing quite fond of them actually.
You must be somewhere that prices run high. SP2022's where I'am are running generally under the $500 mark. Local range has an FDE model right now for $449. I'm not interested in the plastic or striker fired guns though.
There is not a single normal production gun on the planet that doesn't have cast or mim parts,not one unless you get into the higher end 1911 market. Made right those parts are as good as anything.
I've always found it strange that guys will complain about how metal parts are made that are being used on guns with cheap plastic injection molded frames.
quite frankly the only USA Sigs I'm interested in are the Sig Pros, SP2022s, and even those are pricey relative to other options.
I've always found it strange that guys will complain about how metal parts are made that are being used on guns with cheap plastic injection molded frames.
No issue w/ parts being made cheaply in cheap polymer framed guns -- that's why I don't take issue w/ the SP2022... But when you have parts being made cheaply in $800+ guns, which is MSRP retail on new production Sig P series, I absolutely take issue. For that price, one expects better quality, which is why I stick to purchasing German/W German made Sigs in very good to excellent condition.
Relative to the P Series, CZs are tremendous values! Until the latest slump, new CZs ran the same $ as used police surplus Sigs...
Mine came with a factory metal guide rod :) Perfect
Points great, grip is perfect even though i have really big hands
my initial impression:
The slide release - Sucks big time it's far too small and does not extend out far enough,
The P07 duty had a decent one :P , why change it up?
Although in CZ's defense I did have to put vickers tactical slide stops on all my glawks since their oem ss also sucks.
The Mag release, somewhat sucky but at least usable. Will look to replace it with an aftermarket one.
Other than those two points (which should be fixable) I like it
The slide release - Sucks big time it's far too small and does not extend out far enough,
Probably because they are using it as a slide stop just like the Glock. After you shoot a few hundred rounds through the pistol the slide stop will become easier to use to release the slide. The right side on mine is still hard to release shooting with my support hand.
CZ custom is making an extended slide stop to use as a slide release just like others do for the Glock. David
Put a 4lb glock striker spring in mine and the pull weight is not at 4.25 lbs. Much better but its still got grit in the pre travel. I need to shoot it more and do some more polishing.
Picked up my FDE 2 weeks ago for $379 from local gun shop. Had my eyes on one for a while and jumped on it at this price. Sku 915210, test date is Aug 28. Has night sights with white paint on the front, no paint on the rear..... which is hard to see in the daylight. I'm going to add some paint around the trit for better visibility.... has anyone done that yet?
Also added Talon grips for a better feel and IMO to improve the look. Kept the small backstrap since I didn't like how the larger ones tilted my hand.
Very pleased with the purchase and it's cool to find a great forum that supports them.
Was driving by Tombstone Tactical the afternoon and drove home with a CZ p10c, 2018, trig. night sights, front sight outlined in white, metal guide rod, ambi mag release, $379 includes shipping. There are some front sights outlined in orange and I would have liked that: Oh well. Tried several guns and either CZ has fixed the "stiff" mag release, I got lucky on all 3, or some people need hand strengthening exercises. Besides the excellent price I got this version so it would have ambi controls without changing parts out. Seems like a step backward to me on the new version. I guess people never shoot or practice offhand.
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You're post is dated Dec.20th 2018....I bought my CZ P 10 C Jan 19,2019 same Gun in FDE at Tombstone Tactical. My mag release buttons were so F'n stiff and I didn't try them at gun shop. What I had to do is this....a lube bath then, using a penny(coin) work the buttons right&left side for about 2 hours(watching TV)next day went to shooters world and ran about 200 rounds through the P 10 C...that solved the problem! At first the loaded mag would not release a 15 Rd mag BUT it would release a 11 Rd mag! I kept shooting the gun! I worked my way up to a loaded 15 rd mag that would release! took 200 rounds but that solved the P 10 C mag release problem....Gotta shoot the Gun! PS: import date is 1/16/2019 build date is 2018 has all the latest updates to the Gun. slide-stop is stiff as a board. I don't use slide release to charge the gun. Hope this helps somebody LookN to buy a CZ P 10C or F or S....these are minor issues if you know how to fix them.
The day I got my P10 C FDE about 3 weeks ago. I was able to put 150 rounds through.
The mag release was very stiff initially but I just played with a mag loaded with snap caps and after about a week it?s easy to drop a mag with live rounds.
My P07 mags with the single cuts were initially hard to drop loaded but now they?re easy to drop.
The right side is still stiff when trying to drop with my left hand but that?s not a deal breaker because I wouldn?t be able to drop the mag at all on the right side if it was non ambi.
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