My guess is that the OP is a fanboy of the 365 and tried a P01 out at an LGS to see how the hyped competition compared. It sounds like his sole experience was holding one for 2 minutes. He does not discuss sight issues, reset or accuracy, so he probably has never shot one. His goal was just to bolster his belief in his chosen gun.
Small minded people find it easier to bring others down than to raise themselves up. In his favor though is that he avoided the addiction that can come from loving these things. He also avoided the friendships that can develop between those that enjoy these guns. In a week, I’ll be attending a group shoot where a bunch of CZ lovers will bring their best pistols out and spend a day shooting each other’s guns and enjoying the company in doing so. There are typically over $200k in guns sitting out for folks to shoot and everyone is encouraged to shoot everything.
I don’t think that he’s going to find that kind of experience with his 365.