Wow, thanks for your very detailed first impressions. Hopefully they'll be helpful to folks thinking about a Wee Beastie/Steelie.
I think slide to frame fit is just luck of the draw/individual gun dependant. My Steelie has a nice tight but still smooth fit. Better than my P01 and the same as my PCR.
And yeah, the grips. I have a love/hate relationship with the stock rubber grips. I love how they feel and fit hands but hate the fact they're "sticky" or "grabby" on clothes when it comes to drawing the weapon. I also sorta hate that star washer they use - it just chews up the grips. I just yank the grips and order Lok palm swells.
The DA felt really heavy to me but I didn't measure it before I stripped it down to polish. But then again all my CZs are polished with trigger jobs and 11.5 or 13lb main springs so my frame of reference is a little off at this point. The SA felt pretty good to me. Much better than the DA and more on par with my polished guns. It'll be fun seeing what trigger pulls I end up with.
Just this morning I got to cleaning and polishing the internals. I will say that my trigger bar is much better machined than my P01 and CZ97. No major machining or stamp marks. That was a nice surprise. The hammer strut is also in great shape. The safety plunger is in OK shape with that dang maching/stamp marks in the top just like the other CZ plungers with which I've dealt.
That's as far as I've gotten with my detailed inspection. Polishing the trigger bar is next but given its initial condition it should be easy.
I haven't closely inspected the slide yet.
I'm excited to get this polished and pro packaged. Now I'm just agonizing over a red dot choice and how I want to mount it. Decisions, decisions 😆
As for a holster, I carry OWB and have a buddy who makes kydex holsters that work well. I'll probably just ask him to make one. I do have a KT
Mech holster for my SP01 that I bought used here and love it. Of I do decide to not use my buddy that's where I'd order from.
Thank you for posting your impressions! I also picked up a new 99041. In fact, it arrived just today!
I haven't had a chance to take it to the range and compare to my PCR and SP01 Shadow Target so I don't have any shooting impressions yet. I brought it home and field stripped it, and cleaned it up to removed all of the sticky CZ factory grease, and then relubed everything.
Comparing directly to the PCR, the slide-to-frame fit on the steel model is noticeably looser than on the aluminum bodied PCR. This is also true for my SP01 model. The PCR slide to frame fit is tight, tight, tight!
The DA pull on the steelie seems to be just as good as on my PCR which has the CGW ultra lite spring kit installed and nothing else. The SA pull on the PCR is better than the steel P-01 however.
I like the upswept beaver tail on the P01 better than the PCR, and enjoy the fact that it doesn't have the useless lanyard loop. The grips had star washers installed under the screws which were not present on my PCR.
Yes, the steel P-01 is certainly a little tank. It feels noticeably heaver just by picking up the two in their respective carrying cases. In hand I certainly notice the extra weight at the muzzle end.
I'll probably install the CGW defensive carry package on the steelie (or the lite spring kit at a minimum), change out the sights, and put different grips on it at some point in time. I am still working on customizing my PCR so that comes first.
Anyway, keep us updated with your progress, what sights you end up with, etc. Curious as to what holsters people prefer for these little beasts for IWB carry. I have a Black Arch Protos-M on order which should fit both pistols. Also an AG is on order with kydex shells to fit both. I have a Stealth Gear Ventcore for my P365 which I very much like and may eventually end up with another one. Holster lead times are crazy now with the shipping, mfg, and all of the other flu related delays.