I bought a brand new Rami BD from CZ Custom yesterday. It was one that they had done work on (
https://czcustom.com/cz-rami-2075-bd-custom.html). The DA and SA pulls are excellent. Stripped it, cleaned it, lubricated it, and shot it with 115 grain FMJ standard ammo. Functions flawlessly, including both the 10 round and the 14 round magazines. I could ring an 8" steel target at 100 yards about 20% of the time (which is to say, occasionally). Sights are tritrium and I have no complaints as they do show up in the dark reasonably well.
I put about a hundred rounds through it and like it a lot. I'll put another 100 rounds through it and then see how it does with defensive ammunition. If all is okay, it will be my carry piece going forward -- or at least in the rotation. Thank you to the folks at CZ Custom -- nice pistol!