My P365 with SAS slide and laser:

That's a very intriguing setup for pocket carry.
All my sidearms have red dots which I really like for my 'ol eyes, including my RAMI with an RMR. But the RAMI is just too chunky to pocket IMO.
But for me the P365 is what I chose for Pocket Carry, which in Florida is pretty much year round.
I'm going to experiment with pocket-carrying a standard P365 with micro red-dot; and there may be some pocket holsters that have a built-in shroud. I have a Vedder Pocket Locker I really like, and Vedder's factory is in my town so I may drop by and see what they can come up with.
The SAS Fiber/Tritium bulls-eye sights are just OK up to 7-10 yards.
But your combination with the laser adds another dimension especially in low light where the FT sights are especially weak.
Might be worth a try. Lima365 or Crimson Trace??