My introduction into 1911A1s and .45 acp was with 30 year old Remington Rand, Ithaca, US&S, etc. pistols. We had an armsroom full of them. The only Colt in there was the COs West Point graduation pistol. Never saw it. But we cleaned the other ones every time we had an upcoming IG inspection.
Then I got to try out for the battalion combat pistol team (made it as one of the shooters).
The best/tightest old 1911A1 in our armory would rattle like a can of nuts/bolts when you shook it. Best we had, the company armorer and I tried them all out/looked them over before I got one assigned to me for the try outs and training prior to the matches at Ft. Meade that year.
Rattle, rattle, rattle. I still knocked down one pop up after another at 25 and 50 meters that first morning. Tryouts on pop ups, I thought, man, this is going to be easy. Then we went to the matches and it was all paper targets at 25 meters. Ended up in the middle of a hundred and eighty some shooters.
Loose can also be reliable.
Enjoy it, shoot it, rely on it. I've had other brands over the years but the only ones I kept were the Colts.