20lb stock mainspring, host frame is a good idea. I recently confirmed mine will run on a shadow 2 with 20lb spring (no lock back... wish I had the special kadet pcr slide stop).. .stock shadow 2 spring too light... doesnt really hurt the sa pull.
1000rds break in (now that mine is deep into the 5 figures, its very slick and smooth... mine is 15 years old and enough rounds to crack 2 trigger return springs in the hosts shooting it)
add a red dot using an eemann tech shadow plate
buy spare parts, check czusa, czc, cgw, numrich, even random european online stores. cz rep told me thers no more new spares coming in. I got lucky and have at least 1 of everything to keep it running, cause its my main 22 pistol. Ive broken an ejector and nearly lost a FP plate. also on its second recoil spring