Could this be related to the problems I am having?
The gun has both double tapped and jammed up! When it jammed the last time it was locked up pretty bad.
The firing pin safety seems to to be at fault - it has a deep cut groove in the milled notch - and the firing pin manages to go past it and get locked there.
I started looking at the firing pin safety as there is considerable roughness racking the slide. I can't figure out exactly why. I disassembled the firing pin and firing pin safety and found that issue.
Furthermore, there are faint ridges on the rails of the slide and frame, where they contact. I think they may be related to the trigger group tangs that extend into the magazine well - those are rough moving up and down, and may be causing the mechanical resistance when racking it multiple times after it's cocked.
What a mess - I wonder if a new slide and polishing the trigger group will fix this. I've contacted the guy who sold me the gun, but he is ignoring me.
Go figure.
I created a thread to discuss the problem with my specific gun, as it may not be related.