So I'm not the only one! Yay me? lol
I appreciate it Striper Sniper but I'm unable to get one right now. It'd be a few years (2?) before I could jump on it. I'm still 'replacing' guns lost in Katrina (2005)!!! Replacing is in those marks because I'm not buying the exact same guns as before. Same types, I mean. For instance, I do not have a scattergun AT ALL anymore. Wll, I have an ancient Stevens side by side 20 that belonged to my grandfather but don't shoot it. Two reasons: it's sort of an heirloom AND once when I went to close it, it discharged! Finger nowhere near trigger. Thank God it happene to be pointing in a direction away from my friends, but still!

That is my next 'need' and I am very much up in the air as to what to get. Maybe just a utility 12, I dig the 612 HC-P (silly name, tho) and the 612 Home Defense ain't bad (super price, too!). The HC-P has a wicked look to it and I like the pistol grip and sights on it - and the rail is there in case I ever catch the gadget bug. The Home Defense is more likely. I don't do much trap shooting and don't hunt a bit so it might answer perfectly. What did catch my eye was the very sinister Kel-Tec KSG. It has only one purpose, however, and could in no way be versatile. Since I'm unlikey to need to clear buildings of insurgents, they can keep it. Super cool, though.
And yes, CZ HQ decides which firearms to produce based
solely on what they think I might like!

Later Alligators,