you have to realize that there a several compoents to a KB. The gun, the ammo, and the user. Sometimes the user has made the ammo. when a KB happens, who gets blamed first? and then those components can be broken down further.
its no different if you put a bad batch of gas/disel in your car/truck. would you blame the bad fuel on your car mfg?
So, this is just my opinion, that glock didnt address the KB as they should have so its an ongoing thing for them and will continue so.
ANY gun can KB and that inlcudes what you have or will have in the future. Im not trying to scare you, but if you think about it, you have a controlled grenade in your hands, no different then a rocket is a controlled explosion. Since youre probably new to guns you will see in the future ammo/gun recalls IF you pay attention and if youre lucky.
The gun is just doing what its suppose to do. YOu as the operator, buys the ammo (facory/reloads/ or ammo found on the ground), maintains (or not) the gun and eventually pulls the trigger.
without doing a real analysis on a KB we will never know the true root cause. I seriously doubt we will see any report of a KB unless someone funds it themselfves. anything that goes back to a mfg will become their propriority report and probably for internal use only.
you can do EVERTHING right and still have a KB.