Pretty much why my last four pistol purchases have ben CZ!
It is possible that your Beretta and Glock like different ammunition than your CZ.
Even though my Beretta 96A1 is 40 cal, Ive learned over time it really likes WWB 165 gr vs any other FMJ Ive run through it. The 1911s shoot their tightest groups to date with 230gr Herters Brass Case of all things FMJ. The RAMI seems to well with anything 147 grain, but the PCR and full size CZs show their tightest groups with Win NATO 124gr.
That said, slow fired 96A1 and 1911 almost keep up with he CZs. Increasing the speed of fire, they suck in comparison to CZ. In both cases, the huge side to side gap between the front sight and rear (especially Beretta) are no doubt contributing to "combat accuracy". One of these days, I may address the A1's sights more suitable for target shooting, but not until after I contract some cajun work for a full size CZ!
The stock CZ comes in last for categories of trigger reset and gritty hammer feel, yet it still wins out overall.