Hi all. New to the forum but been lurking here for awhile. Lots of great info here. Thinking about buying a carbine but undecided if I should get one with faux suppressor or the muzzle brake. At this time planning on leaving it stock as it comes except for the safety and trigger work. Any suggestions would be appreciated,. Thanks.
Since you left it open for suggestion...
Don't get a carbine. Get a pistol and a brace. It's easier to work on, (like getting to the handguard nut on the carbine is a pain, it's the same weight as an average AR-15 but only fires 9mm, it's not what the gun was ever designed to actually be... etc)
If you ignore that, and do a carbine anyway. Function over form, I would get a brake because it actually does something, and weighs less.
You will not leave the gun stock for long. It has a short list of warts that need removed.
In the end the Scorpion is a phenomenally handy little accurate, reliable, 9mm. The ergo's need work. And tailoring it to fit you will be quite worth it in the end. The safeties are awful, and so is the trigger. Both can be fixed easily. I personally think the factory mag release is also on that list. (And the grip)
For the money, it's a good gun to build from.