I assume that you are talking about reducing the Single Action pretravle rather than the Double Action pretravle. The Factory SA pretravle can be reduced a bit with the Firing Pin Block intact by hand fitting a CGW T2 disconector or installing the CGW Short Reset System witch then makes the T2 disco drop in 90% of the time .The catch is that with the FPB intact the pistol will still have a noticeable amount of SA pretravle, it is required for the function of the FPB. The CGW Short Reset System for 75 variants will reduce this but some pretravle will still be required for FPB function.
For a range or competition pistol, the FPB can be removed. A CGW T3 disco can be hand fitted to your CZ. This can completely remove the SA pretravle.
Both of these options require close to full disassembly of a CZ75 variant pistol as well as some time an patience to accomplish. With a little reading on the subject, much fun can be had.