Author Topic: SP-01 vs P-09  (Read 16863 times)

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Offline GypsyDanger

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Re: SP-01 vs P-09
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2017, 06:17:53 PM »
Not sure if it helps any, but MAC is about to upload his video on the P-07's results through his testing in the Gauntlet. We'll see how the baby brother does!

Offline chaos19671

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Re: SP-01 vs P-09
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2017, 09:33:05 AM »
I recently picked up a P-09 local to me for a great price and then happened across an SP-01 on GB for a deal that i couldn't pass up.  Haven't had enough time lately to get them both to the range to shoot side by side but i prefer the weight of the SP-01 over the P-09.  One thing i did notice on the 09 is the barrel is not as wide as the 01.  I had been reloading using a black moly coated bullet that i know is slightly over sized and they will not fit the 09.  They will fit the 01 but i had these ones a touch long for my Scorpion and Sig's and they won't chamber in the 01.  One of the reasons haven't been able to shoot SxS with them, just finally loaded up around 600 rounds with some FMJ and shortened the OAL they shoot great out of the 01 next time out I'll run them in the 09 also.

Offline Kenneth

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Re: SP-01 vs P-09
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2017, 05:07:27 PM »
My P09 has an extremely short chamber and it's a pain to load coated Bullet's for. I'm down to 1.00-1.10 territory for oal. My Shadow with work with 1.130-1.135.

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Offline Hitokage

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Re: SP-01 vs P-09
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2019, 08:07:23 AM »
I was choosing between those two when buying my first gun and I found this thread very useful when deciding so now I'd like to share my experience. I have tried P-01 and SP-01 to decide. Borrowed both at the shooting range and was switching between them, comparing. My thoughts and subjective feelings:

- light, good for carrying
- the recoil not that bad as I expected
- well balanced
- a bit better grip than SP-01
- better accuracy during the first shots (before my hand got tired)

- heavier
- recoil much smaller than P-09
- also well balanced
- the grip felt a bit strange, felt like being too slim
- at first worse shots in the target than P-09 but after like 30 shots I found the P-09 recoil a bit annoying and SP-01 started to be more accurate in my hands than P-09

Both are amazing and if you wanna save some money then go for P-09. BUT I have decided to risk and bought SP-01 Shadow which I didn't try before. I have to say that the Shadow version is the best gun I have ever shot. The grip is much better than classic SP-01 and what's the best thing about it is the trigger. So smooth till the very end. It's easy to get surprised by the shot. So for range shooting SP-01 Shadow, definitely the best choice for me.

Offline briang2ad

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Re: SP-01 vs P-09
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2019, 08:19:53 AM »
I NEED to shoot my buddies SP01 and compare myself, but...

The P09 is a totally easy handgun to shoot competition or carry.  I would warn - buy in person - and try many samples.  The difference between a P gun with an EXCELLENT trigger and a decent or bad trigger is night and day - trust me.  Many will stack and this will NOT help you use the DA.  Ones that don't stack can be made to be dream like. 

Offline MadDuner

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Re: SP-01 vs P-09
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2019, 02:14:12 PM »
Is the stacking due to a timing issue?

I see that Cajun offers a variety of bearings/sizes to fix a timing issue.
Just wondering if this stacking is what they cure?

Offline Sulpgnir

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Re: SP-01 vs P-09
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2019, 09:03:47 PM »
Just came back from the range with my P-09.  It's a nice shooter with very little recoil.  It has been tuned with DA at 6.7# and SA at 2.3#.  It makes a fun gun for the range, as well as HD.  Also it comes with 19-round capacity magazines.

SP-01 is a fine all around pistol, though comparing it to P-09 is like comparing apples and oranges.  Ultimately, it comes to personal preference, as many have expressed earlier.  When in doubt, buy both!  I did :D

Offline JLla84

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Re: SP-01 vs P-09
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2019, 08:26:54 AM »
Im up in the air on this topic also....  I own a Shadow 2, and am using one of the sp-01 or p-09 to be a suppressor host for Home Defense.... 21+2 and lightweight and suppressor ready or 19+1, heavy steel, better trigger, and add threaded barrel and supp sights....

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