I was choosing between those two when buying my first gun and I found this thread very useful when deciding so now I'd like to share my experience. I have tried P-01 and SP-01 to decide. Borrowed both at the shooting range and was switching between them, comparing. My thoughts and subjective feelings:
- light, good for carrying
- the recoil not that bad as I expected
- well balanced
- a bit better grip than SP-01
- better accuracy during the first shots (before my hand got tired)
- heavier
- recoil much smaller than P-09
- also well balanced
- the grip felt a bit strange, felt like being too slim
- at first worse shots in the target than P-09 but after like 30 shots I found the P-09 recoil a bit annoying and SP-01 started to be more accurate in my hands than P-09
Both are amazing and if you wanna save some money then go for P-09. BUT I have decided to risk and bought SP-01 Shadow which I didn't try before. I have to say that the Shadow version is the best gun I have ever shot. The grip is much better than classic SP-01 and what's the best thing about it is the trigger. So smooth till the very end. It's easy to get surprised by the shot. So for range shooting SP-01 Shadow, definitely the best choice for me.