I have a SAP B6P full size, and I really like it. However I was having more and more FTE issues, no matter what ammo I used. I tried Remington, Winchester, and Blazer.
Nonetheless, I decided it was high time to do a serious cleaning, and when I pulled out the extractor, the edge of the "claw" that grabs the case rim was chipped - the corner was gone, making for inconsistent extraction.
I ordered a new extractor (and pin and spring, since my floor seems to eat these kinds of parts) from EAA and will install it when it comes, but I have had great luck with Volquartsen parts for my Rugers and my Browning Buckmark, and I thought it might be worthwhile to upgrade rather than replace.
Do any of you use CZ parts from czcustom? Has anyone found a place that makes quality parts for clones? Is EAA the best place to go?