Just an update went to range yesterday took the P-83,CZ-82, the bulgarian makarov and my new SPO7 from the custom shop. Had great day shooting till my new SPO7 at 262 rounds had the lug on the bottom of the barrel shear off-not too impressive . I fill phone ROB at the CZ Custom shop later in the day here in Pa it 6:52 am so I will have to wait till about !:00 pm est to try and reach them in AZ. Anyways let me tell you how well my 3 used pistols performed. The p-83 was the most accurate at 7 and 10 yards easily shooting 9's and 10's on a 8 inch shoot and splat target. The beat up CZ 82 came in second on accuracy but the recoil spring is shot and will get replaced and I will definately clean this one up and duracoat it. The makarov came in a close third but had more felt recoil than the other 2 . The CZ had the best trigger because well it's all broken in from use, the P-83 came in second and the makarov third. The cz fits the hand the best the P-83 coming in second and the makarov third. The makarove came in first in finish and overall condition. Honestly I enjoyed shooting all of them and and shot over 300 rounds thru the three pistols with out a single failure. paid $219 for the CZ-83, $249 for the Mak and $249 for the P-83 and would not hesitate buying another one I got 2 mags for each and I think that I will get 2 more for each. Bought 2 from J&G and one from SOG. SOG also has used CZ-83's in 380 acp might get one of those next. I have never bought used pistol before,but I must say that I am very happy with the results. Later