Sorry if this is off topic...
C.A.I or Czech vz.58 for that matter aren't Parkerized.
vz.58's were painted with that dark gray paint just
like on the magazines.
The C.A.I VZ2008 are Teflon Coated. I know this because I asked
them about it. What type is used was not know by the person I talked to.
There are about 5 different types that are widely used today.
I just recently had my VZ2008 Bead Blasted and Parkerized for $135
it turned out really good but...
The Cast metal parts on a vz.58 can have problems being Parkerized.
The metal will look Red or the Metal won't blacken and will take on
a Sand color appearance. Special attraction needs to be taking in Metal
preparation so Parkerizing covers the metal 100% and the surfaces look black.
I would imagine this is why CSA with Czech Point, Duracoats their US sold vz.58.
That and to make make more money.
I'm still sort of kicking myself for not taking pictures to show people but
when I first got my rifle back from my local gunsmith I was
not happy and the last thing on my mind was taking pictures to show people.
It went right back and I made them go over it again.
I guess this all depends on what you want. And I wanted a top of the line finish.