8 years ago I traded into a G34 to use in IDPA. It came with Warren Tactical Sevigny Comps. Tall blacked out rear, and a 1mm fiber front. I instantly fell in love. the 1mm front sight was perfect for those pesky tight shots, and the blcked out rear makes it a breeze to gain sight picture.
I recently sold my 34 setup to fund a PM9 and comp gear. The sights were switched to my EDC G19. I carry IWB anywhere from 1:30-3:00. The tall rear sight sometimes digs into my belly when sitting, and I should switch to the rear carry site. The Pm9 comes with a 1.5mm front, and adjustable blacked out rear. I prefer the 1mm.
I also use a paint pen and paint the inside of the front sight white. I feel this helps reflect a little more light into the fiber. I have found that I prefer red for indoors, and green for outdoors.