first time out with the CZ and Sig. I bought a Sig P320 and the Compact the same day at a local gun show last weekend. Before shooting, I had high expectations for the Sig and was really excited to wring it out. The grip, trigger reach and trigger action seemed really nice. For whatever reason, despite recently shooting and really enjoying a CZ 75B SA, I was less excited about getting to try the P01.
Took both the guns to an indoor range, shooting 115 grain fmj at 5, 7 and 10 yards. As for the P01, in short ? it's a beast! Better than any gun I've ever shot. Fits my small hands just right. Trigger is good out of the box, particularly the single-action. The fit of the grip and the beaver tail make if feel locked in making recoil management a breeze and muzzle flip minimal. However, the its biggest attribute is its superlative, astounding, magnificent accuracy. Holy crap, Batman! I thought the CZ75B SA was good. The P01 is better (or at maybe at least easier to shoot), despite the much short barrel length (3.75 vs 4.7 inches).
The other remarkable aspect of the gun: I have some Magtech steel cased ammo which quickly locked up a Glock 17 and a Beretta Vertec. When I say locked up, I mean a fired case got stuck so tight in the chamber of those guns I could not clear them at the range. Had to come home and get a hammer involved. I decided to see how the P01 would handle this crappy ass ammo. While there were some FTFs, I could shoot the ammo and it never locked up the P01. Amazing.
Between the 75B SA and the Compact, I am sold on CZs. And just when I thought I was going all polymer.
As for the Sig P320. I traded my beloved Glock 17 in to get the 320 as the grip of the 17 was just a little big for me, even without using any of the extra back straps. Regardless, I shot it well. However, the Sig's grip, trigger reach, trigger shape and action felt better than the G17, so I made the jump.
Given I'd shot the P01 first, the 320's grip did not feel nearly as nice as the P01. Needless to say, recoil and muzzle flip seemed much more noticeable. I found the gun to have decent accuracy, but not as easy to shoot accurately as the CZ, which is a magical gun, sent down straight to me from Obi Wan Kenobi. However, it should be pointed out the sights on the 320 are much more coarse than the hard-to-see sights of the P01.
As compared to the Glock, some reviewers say the higher bore axis of the 320 results in more muzzle flip than the lower bore axis Glock. Others say the difference isn't noticeable. I found the difference noticeable and probably shoot the Glock better despite the better grip of the 320. However, take into consideration the Glock has a 4.5 inch barrel compared to the 3.9 inch of the P320.
The 320 came with an extra frame with a smaller grip size. I want to give that a try before making any final judgments. If I had to choose right now, I'd take my Glock back any day of the week despite the ergos and modularity of the 320. However, as you know by now, in my opinion ----- CZ rules above them all! CZ: the force is strong in this one.
I feel a Cajun Gun Works CZ PCR in my future...or is someone here selling a PCR by any chance?