Author Topic: Advice - Scorpion shooting low  (Read 2146 times)

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Offline chris_w

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Advice - Scorpion shooting low
« on: November 07, 2018, 06:21:36 PM »
Hi there

I'm a new Scorpion owner and taken it to the range twice so far.  First time was to get a feel for it but noticed it was shooting 124s low.  Second visit brought several different weighted ammo (115, 124, 147) from various manufactures to see if there was one in particular that it liked more than others -but- had the same results.  The Scorpion has a 16" barrel and KVP linear Comp on it now.  One thing I noticed is - when adjusting the front sight post it will not go down more than flush with main housing - meaning the tappered base of the front post is flat with the center section on the housing.  I would think when rotating the front sight post to lower it, the post would recess somewhat in the main sight housing.  Right now I feel like my front sight post only has the ability to go up. All my shots are about 3" to 4" low at 25ft with various ammo types.  The groupings are nice and tight lining up with the front sight post just too low for my liking.  I have a red dot to install but want to get the irons zero'd before adding another variable into the mix.

Should I remove the entire front sight assembly and see if the post or detent is catching on something preventing the post from going any lower? 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Offline OpusXJ

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Re: Advice - Scorpion shooting low
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2018, 06:39:45 PM »
25ft is way close to zero a carbine. Try a 25 or 50yd zero.

Offline chris_w

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Re: Advice - Scorpion shooting low
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2018, 06:48:19 PM »
I started with 25yrd but since they were landing low I moved the target closer to 25ft figuring once zero'd I'd stat moving back in increments out to 50 yrds.  I will try a 50yrd zero on my next visit

Offline Phlyers13

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Re: Advice - Scorpion shooting low
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2018, 06:54:06 PM »
Your shots will always be low at close distances due to the difference in space between your front sight and the barrel.

Offline chris_w

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Re: Advice - Scorpion shooting low
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2018, 11:15:10 AM »
Can someone suggest the ideal distance to zero the 16? Scorpion?  50 yards would be the max this rifle would be shot due to range limitations.  Also is the front sight post supposed to lower further into the main front housing - seems like mine can only adjust upwards.  In its lowest setting the posts sloped base is flush with the housing - hope that makes sense

Thanks everyone

Offline hyrysc

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Re: Advice - Scorpion shooting low
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2018, 11:47:08 AM »
I would do 50 yards then.  Out of a 16 inch barrel, 9mm will be pretty darn flat out to 50 yards.  From there things start to drop off pretty quickly with almost a 10 inch drop with 115 grain FMJ at 100 yards from my experience so sight adjustment would be needed.