Author Topic: Want to change EDC gun for GL19 Gen 2 to a P07  (Read 5516 times)

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Offline Winkel

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Re: Want to change EDC gun for GL19 Gen 2 to a P07
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2018, 09:09:23 PM »
I have two P-07s and a P-09 as well as a few other CZs.  I shoot my P-09 the most and probably have about 4,000 rounds through it. 

I honestly can't think of a single malfunction I've had with that gun.  It shows no real signs of wear and shoots like a dream.  I don't know what finish they put on the barrels but the bleeped things just don't foul.  Clean up is easy and the entire fire control group is easy to disassemble and reassemble with the help of Joe L's videos here.

Get one, you won't regret it.  In fact, I'd be willing to bet another CZ will soon follow it home!

Offline Mifune326

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Re: Want to change EDC gun for GL19 Gen 2 to a P07
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2018, 10:40:28 PM »
I have two P-07s and a P-09 as well as a few other CZs.  I shoot my P-09 the most and probably have about 4,000 rounds through it. 

I honestly can't think of a single malfunction I've had with that gun.  It shows no real signs of wear and shoots like a dream.  I don't know what finish they put on the barrels but the bleeped things just don't foul.  Clean up is easy and the entire fire control group is easy to disassemble and reassemble with the help of Joe L's videos here.

Get one, you won't regret it.  In fact, I'd be willing to bet another CZ will soon follow it home!

Agree 100%!

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Re: Want to change EDC gun for GL19 Gen 2 to a P07
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2018, 02:23:44 PM »
Hey Line Rider, I think the big question for yourself right now is how many of them you going to buy ?😎 go get one and put a smile on your face.
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Offline Sango

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Re: Want to change EDC gun for GL19 Gen 2 to a P07
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2018, 01:31:47 AM »
Welcome aboard!! You?ll love the P07. I also have two P07?s and a P09, and I?m not sure how many I?ve put through the Urban P07, but it?s a ton. I?ve never had a single hiccup, FTF or FTE with it, with cheap 115?s up through more exotic loads. Usually I carry with 124 S+B?s or Magtechs when not carrying something more specialized. I have lots of pistols, but the trusty P07 never leaves my side.

You will enjoy it. It?s a joy to shoot, own, and carry. The DA/SA decocker setup is my personal preference for EDC.
I’ve got a few CZ’s...

Offline Joe L

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Re: Want to change EDC gun for GL19 Gen 2 to a P07
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2018, 08:53:30 PM »
I don't shoot my P series pistols as often as I used to, but I still carry a P-07 with me every day.  I've never even thought about it not being reliable.  It is a great firearm, as are my two P-09s, one of which has well over 10k rounds through it with no problems at all.  And it's been the featured handgun in a few videos. 

CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline seebee62

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Re: Want to change EDC gun for GL19 Gen 2 to a P07
« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2018, 03:23:18 PM »
I EDC a P07. Great to carry conceals great even with a +2 mag base.

Only one malfunction which I?m 100% sure it was ammo related.

Failure to fire 2 rounds of Hornady CD 
Out of 2 boxes of 20. Ammo was 10 months old.
Someone mentioned on another forum that constant chambering could damage the primer.

Right after the failures my P07 ran 400 rounds of S&B flawlessly so I?m inclined to believe it was the 2 rounds of Hornady. The rounds in question also wouldn?t fire in a different gun.

So I?m more inclined to cycle out my SD ammo more frequently.
I have total confidence in the P07 for EDC.

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Re: Want to change EDC gun for GL19 Gen 2 to a P07
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2019, 01:59:05 PM »
I have shot so many rounds through both its not funny. They are durable and reliable.

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Re: Want to change EDC gun for GL19 Gen 2 to a P07
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2019, 04:11:06 PM »
Line Rider, carried and shot Glocks for over 10 years.  Still think they are a great platform.  However, I shot a PO1 and a PO7 a little over a year ago.  Went to my local dealer and bought a PO7.  I put 1000 rounds through it and then Cajunized it.  Sold all of my Glocks except a 19 that my brother bought me.  I now own a PO7, PO9, and will be purchasing either a Shadow or PO1 compact after Christmas bills are paid.  My best friend shoots only Sigs . . . he has shot my Cajunized PO7 and said it is the best pistol he has ever shot.  Carry my PO7 in a Vedder LiteTuk and will not look back.  CZ's are so under rated, and in my opinion, one of the most over looked weapon platforms there is.  Oh, I have shot and owned HK's and Sigs in addition to my Glocks . . . just say I am hooked.  I won't buy another gun except for a CZ.

+1 on the Vedder LiteTuk!

Offline radagast

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Re: Want to change EDC gun for GL19 Gen 2 to a P07
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2019, 12:08:29 AM »
  Being from the sub-free state of NJ, my wife and I don't carry our P07's, but we both get to the range regularly. Just shy of 5K on mine, and a hair over 3K through hers. 2 malfunctions in one box of Field and Stream ammunition. Both were failures to extract, and while one of the cases looked excessively scuffed, the 2nd rolled into the pit as I fumbled it out of the chamber.
   I had some other misgivings about that ammo, and won't mind crossing it off my list of preferences. Other than that, we've enjoyed flawless performance from both pistols. I'm sure we'll both feel comfortable carrying them upon relocation when she retires.   
"Let there be light"  and there was muzzle flash !

Offline Mifune326

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Re: Want to change EDC gun for GL19 Gen 2 to a P07
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2019, 12:29:49 AM »
I think it would be a great move Rider.   With the P-07 you get reliability, accuracy, better ergonomics than the Glock, the inherent safety of a DA first shot (which requires a longer, more deliberate trigger pull to fire the first shot), and then the shorter, lighter, crisper SA follow-up shots (shooter and more crisper than the Glock trigger for sure).

That being said, the Glock is a great pistol as well.  I carried one for years, but once I discovered my P-09 and P-07, I don't think I'll ever go back - to Glock or striker-fired (if I did return to the striker-fired, it would be P-10 all the way).