I checked my LGS's online inventory every day for months before finding mine and was waiting for it when UPS dropped it off. I've had my 97BD for about a year now and it's getting more range time than my Colt, Sig and Springfield 45's. It loves about any 200 gr mid range bullet and the more I shoot it the better the trigger feels. I hope you enjoy your new pistol as much as I do mine.
I got lucky, my LSG had a brand new 97 B sitting under glass just last September when I was shopping for a new toy. Came back later and got a SP-01 also. Now I want a CZ in some sort of compact fashion also (either P01 or 75 Compact). I have owned a lot of hand guns and the only I have found addicting are revolvers and CZs. I'm in California and got the stock wood grips and like tem very much. I bought set of thin grips and sent them back. I like the little bit of extra girth the wood grips have. It fills my hand better. To describe the size with the wood grips, definitely like a double stack 1911.
@ lewmed - That's odd that yours likes 200gr, mine would print low with 200gr, SP (standard pressure) or +P. I have shot a lot of different ammo and the only thing that print POA is SP 230gr FMJ or HP. Every thing else would print anywhere from 2" to 4" low at about 7 yards. It seems like once I got over a regular velocity or under the standard weight (SP 230gr @~ 850-900fps is what I conceder standard for 45acp), the faster the bullet the lower the impact. Makes sense I guess.
I am actually not impressed with the accuracy in general. My SP-01 is a tack driver out of the box, the 97 not so much. Not bad, just not good, not near what I was expecting. I would say its as or maybe less accurate than a 1911 in the same price range and I think my expectations were too high. I plan to do the CGW 1911 barrel bushing upgrade some time this year, that will fix my expectations, lol. I will likely do some other work but that where I want to start. I also realized it is a great bedside gun so I want to add a rail. I didn't really understand how a rail mounted flashlight is helpful until I got my SP-01 and toyed around with one. Now I get it, you can light up a room without pointing you gun at someone. Derp.
cwmoss - great purchase, welcome to the club.
Here is my 97B with my 2 other big boar hand guns. CA Bulldog and S&W M69 w/ X-frame grip.

I am an M69 fanatic, I think they are extremely under rated revolver. Another of my 97 and M69..