The sights on the picture look like the front sight on my Tactical Sport.
I bought an XD Competition 9MM. Big old orange basketball looking FO front sight. I hate that sight right now. Big glowing ball out there that is more distracting than helpful. Nope, don't need'em, don't want'em.
Then I bought that used Tactical Sport .40 S&W. Tiny little green FO front sight. That small diameter FO sight completely changed my opinion on FO front sights. I enjoy shooting that big old pistol with the small glowing easy to see front FO sight.
Colors - you might see different colors better. Buy some different color FO rods and experiment with your pistol to see what works best for you (they're pretty easy to install yourself.)
For example, I can see/use the amber DI RMR better than the green. I've got both on CZ pistols but the amber shows up better in less than ideal lighting conditions than the green.
But on FO sights, I really like the subdued green over the brighter orange/amber.
My wife's CZ75 Compact has a DP Pro on it with an amber/red dot. The upgraded front sight was also an amber/red FO sight. She really didn't like that combo and said it confused her about which "dot" to use. I changed the front FO rod to a green one and that took care of her problems with the sights.