Hello All,
Was wondering if someone could shed some light on this. As many may know, the magazines for both a 9mm and .40 caliber CZ 75/SP01 (at least the Mec Gar ones) share the same body/follower/feed lips. So they are either marked as for both 9mm./40 or if you get a .40-cal Mec Gar, it will also function the same for 9mm, just hold a few more rounds. That's what's nice about having a .40 cal TS 'Long Slide' mated to an SP01 frame and a conversion barrel (and tuned extractor), I can just switch barrels/recoil springs to change caliber's and use the same magazines.
Does the same hold true for the Tac Sport magazines? For example, if I get a .40 caliber Tac Sport, and I have a conversion barrel for 9mm, can I use the same magazines that came with they .40 like with the 75/SP01? Or are they more specific with the TS? Thanks in advance.