Author Topic: Stock Shadow 2 vs CGW Shadow 2  (Read 1905 times)

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Offline nick779

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Stock Shadow 2 vs CGW Shadow 2
« on: March 01, 2019, 08:58:12 AM »
Im planning to buy a Shadow 2 this summer and im a bit on the fence as to either buy it stock, or spend the extra to get a CGW built one. This will mainly be a USPSA / range toy gun.

If I bought it stock, the only upgrades I planned on doing were lighter springs and perhaps the firing pin retaining pin.

I dont really know the benefit of upgrading the trigger pin that they offer, nor do I have much experience working on guns besides a bit of tinkering with my P10C.

Is going the Cajun built route worth the extra over just doing a handful of upgrades myself?

Offline 2morechains

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Re: Stock Shadow 2 vs CGW Shadow 2
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2019, 03:14:15 PM »
I debated the same thing.  Ended up buying the Shadow 2 and dropped about $40 worth of CGW parts and springs in it and have been very happy.  The only thing I?ve been wondering is if the CGW or CZC Comp hammer will result in a more pronounced wall in SA compared to the ?rolling? break it is now. 

I added the following parts from CGW: TRS (if you replace your TRS might as well replace the trigger pin at the same time), 11.5 hammer spring, extended firing pin and reduced FP spring, and an 11 lb recoil spring (kept the shock buff in there).  Post spring swap and 2K-ish rnds my DA is right at 7 lbs and SA is 2.25.  DA will only the spring change (no polishing) is very smooth with no stacking.  Doesn?t feel like 7 lbs, but that?s what my gauge says. 

No issues with CCI or S&B primers.

Maybe I got lucky with mine from the factory, but in my opinion CZ really narrowed the gap on the Shadow 2 between box-stock and ready-to-race.  By comparison, my SP-01 Shadow and 75 Shadow both required all of the above plus a lot of polishing and sear/hammer replacements to get a comparable trigger. 

Offline nick779

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Re: Stock Shadow 2 vs CGW Shadow 2
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2019, 08:57:36 AM »
I debated the same thing.  Ended up buying the Shadow 2 and dropped about $40 worth of CGW parts and springs in it and have been very happy.  The only thing I?ve been wondering is if the CGW or CZC Comp hammer will result in a more pronounced wall in SA compared to the ?rolling? break it is now. 

I added the following parts from CGW: TRS (if you replace your TRS might as well replace the trigger pin at the same time), 11.5 hammer spring, extended firing pin and reduced FP spring, and an 11 lb recoil spring (kept the shock buff in there).  Post spring swap and 2K-ish rnds my DA is right at 7 lbs and SA is 2.25.  DA will only the spring change (no polishing) is very smooth with no stacking.  Doesn?t feel like 7 lbs, but that?s what my gauge says. 

No issues with CCI or S&B primers.

Maybe I got lucky with mine from the factory, but in my opinion CZ really narrowed the gap on the Shadow 2 between box-stock and ready-to-race.  By comparison, my SP-01 Shadow and 75 Shadow both required all of the above plus a lot of polishing and sear/hammer replacements to get a comparable trigger.

Yeah I mean I dont have much time behind a stock Shadow 2, but I figured if I can get a super short reset/staging, a crisp trigger and ~#2.5-3 SA ill be happy.

Good to know the #11 is good with CCI primers because I typically buy Speer Lawman and heard CCIs can be "hard" and might need a #13.

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Re: Stock Shadow 2 vs CGW Shadow 2
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2019, 02:38:46 PM »
It really depends on what division you plan to shoot in. Assuming Production with the S2, the fully cajunized would add substantial $, but should be noticeably better than stock. If you are shooting limited, you may want to consider converting to SAO, in which case it would be noticeably better than stock (assuming you don't mind starting cocked and locked) - This is also cheaper conversion/less parts than the full cajunized kit. I will say that what made the most difference in my limited gun was the hammer. With the stock hammer, when pulling the trigger, you could see the hammer cam back a bit before release - with the CGW race hammer camming it is almost non-existent.

If your new to CZ and adding parts etc. I'd lean to just having it done by them for more $$$ and be done with it. But, if you just want to change springs that is pretty easy and I wouldn't pay extra or wait for anyone to do that.
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Offline ejb1975

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Re: Stock Shadow 2 vs CGW Shadow 2
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2019, 04:40:34 PM »
Im planning to buy a Shadow 2 this summer and im a bit on the fence as to either buy it stock, or spend the extra to get a CGW built one. This will mainly be a USPSA / range toy gun.

If I bought it stock, the only upgrades I planned on doing were lighter springs and perhaps the firing pin retaining pin.

I dont really know the benefit of upgrading the trigger pin that they offer, nor do I have much experience working on guns besides a bit of tinkering with my P10C.

Is going the Cajun built route worth the extra over just doing a handful of upgrades myself?

No Firing pin block on Shadow models, so no retaining pin to worry about

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