Author Topic: Hammer Vs. Striker DEATH MATCH!!! (P-09 vs. P-10F)  (Read 4029 times)

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Offline WWG1WGA

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Hammer Vs. Striker DEATH MATCH!!! (P-09 vs. P-10F)
« on: April 03, 2019, 01:26:23 AM »
Hi Gang,

I'm trying to decide between the P-09 and the P-10F to serve as my "do-it-all" 9mm. It'll see duty primarily as a HD/range/fun gun. I've been shooting quite a bit lately and thinking about checking out local shooting matches, so it may serve in that role down the road as well.

I have a newborn at home and need diaper money more than I need a collection of firearms so I'm trying to 'thin the herd' down to what I consider the essentials (carry pistol, full-size pistol, shotgun, AR, and long rifle).

I'm fortunate to live in Northern Nevada so I have access to lots of great outdoor spots to shoot.

Anyhow.. I've put about 1000 rounds through the P-09 and about 700 through the P-10 F. Both are amazing and I know that I'd be in great shape keeping either.

Butttt since the wife, junior, and the dog are sleeping, I figured I'd take this rare moment of peace to chat about guns. :)

P-09 Pros:

- Laser accurate. Makes me feel like a better shot than I am.
- 'Flexibility' of DA/SA and safety/decocker.
- Feels 'safer'. I know this is mostly in my head, but the long DA pull and the fact that the firing pin isn't storing any potential energy just makes me feel a little better about avoiding a potential ND if I were to have a moment of inattentiveness or just make a mistake down the road.
- I have the full Cajun kit in there are really enjoyed polishing and installing that stuff.
- 'Better' (softer) recoil impulse than the P-10. I've tried a combination of springs and find that the 18# hammer and recoil springs suit me the best (with factory 115 grain cheap stuff).

P-09 Cons:

- Not *quite* as ergonomic (to my hands) the P-10F.
- The large 'duty-sized' controls are a touch too prominent for my liking and somewhat interfere with an 'ideal' grip.
- Busted trigger bar spring ? 2

P-10F Pros:

- Feels amazing ergonomically (I put Hogue grips on everything).
- That CGW Short Reset Trigger is terrific (though IMHO, no striker comes close to an Apex'd M&P).
- Incredibly accurate (far moreso than the aforementioned M&P haha)
- Terrific slide serrations
- Very 'simple' with few external controls

P-10F Cons:

- Snappier than the P-09. I tried various recoil springs (with the P-09 guide rod.. it just stuck out a bit) and couldn't find a combo that shot as flat as the P-09
- As mentioned earlier, I don't feel *quite* as comfortable with one in the chamber. I know it's a training and discipline issue and that strikers are used without incident all the time, but the decocker and long DA pull of a hammer gun just make me feel better in case I goof or have a brain fart.
- The pin that holds in the backstrap is my mortal enemy.

This is really just a shameless excuse to post a pic of my pistols because I'm excited about my new CZ obsession.

Plus, it's a welcome break from changing diapers, picking up after my dog, and dealing with my wife's constipation. I've only been a dad 3 weeks, but, so far, 80% of my brain power is going towards dealing with poop haha.

Anyhow, I'm leaning towards the P-09 but I figured it'd be fun to get some feedback from the collective.

Cheers, all.

[Mods resized photo]
« Last Edit: May 20, 2019, 07:08:11 AM by Wobbly »

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Hammer Vs. Striker DEATH MATCH!!! (P-09 vs. P-10F)
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2019, 07:01:45 AM »
I'm a P09 fan myself.  My 9MM P09 is the most accurate center fire semi-auto pistol I've ever owned/shot.  Absolutely.

I understand your M&P comment.  I have two of them in the safe, both full sized, one with an Apex CAEK set up installed and neither one would outshoot the 3.8" XDM my wife appropriated from me (because it shoots nice groups) from me prior to me buying that first M&P.

I walk through the gun shows and see lots of nice pistols (CZ's 99% of the time) and the thing that stops me from buying/trying them is strong doubt they will shoot any better than the P09.

I liked my P09 so well I bought another one, in .40 S&W, a couple months later.  It won't "hang" with the 9MM, but perhaps it needs a different load than the P07 .40 I carry all the time.  The P07 .40 is close to the 9MM P09 but not beside it when it comes to group size.

I will say, for what it's worth, I put a set of the stick on grip panels on the .40 S&W P09 awhile back.  I've started noticing, when I pick it up, that it really feels good in my hand.  My open carry (around my yard, back lot, garage, etc. in the winter time) is an XD 5" Tactical, with thumb safeties - so it's closer to the 1911 and CZ carry/function).  With those grip panels on the P09 my hand keeps telling me to switch to the .40 P09 and put the XD away.  I need to go to the range and see which one shoots the best groups to make the determination (group size trumps good feel/fit in my hand).

Talon has two offerings and two colors.  I put the rubber grips on my P07 as I could pick the FDE color and that matched my slide.  For the all black P09 .40 I bought the granulate finish grips and for me, they feel much better in my hand than the rubber grips.  Hard to describe it as "smooth but grippy" but that's the way they feel.

Not sure the P09 .40 kicks enough to need "sticky grips" but I put them on anyway because the P07 .40 does need them when conditions are bad (extremely sweaty/wet hands and fingers).

Your right about the P09 9Mm being flat shooting.  Hard to call what it does "recoil" after shooting other pistols.  Very sweet shooting/handling pistol.

Good luck with which ever pistol you choose.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline nick779

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Re: Hammer Vs. Striker DEATH MATCH!!! (P-09 vs. P-10F)
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2019, 07:56:42 AM »
Imo, stick with the P-09.

The firing pin block is very flimsy on the P10 models, and I just dont trust them for carry even though many people do. Id take the P-09 or even the P07 in a heartbeat over the P10.
I also prefer the beavertail of the hammer fired models over the very pronounced tail of the P10.

Offline NeedCZ

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Re: Hammer Vs. Striker DEATH MATCH!!! (P-09 vs. P-10F)
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2019, 08:13:58 AM »
I'd never forgive myself if I sold my P09. 


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Re: Hammer Vs. Striker DEATH MATCH!!! (P-09 vs. P-10F)
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2019, 08:20:17 AM »
Diaper duty has made you delusional. Keep both!  :)

Offline oldtimer48

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Re: Hammer Vs. Striker DEATH MATCH!!! (P-09 vs. P-10F)
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2019, 08:39:39 AM »
I also agree with the above post keep both , work some over time if available or take a part time job that should cover the diaper expenses.

Offline badwrench

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Re: Hammer Vs. Striker DEATH MATCH!!! (P-09 vs. P-10F)
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2019, 10:07:00 AM »
If you have both, then I'm tempted to tell you to keep both..Another option,(and I'm just throwing this out there) would be trade the P-10 towards a P07, if you like the P09, you'll really like the P07,  same controls, same trigger, just a little smaller, easier to carry package than the P09..

Offline Craig M Arnold

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Re: Hammer Vs. Striker DEATH MATCH!!! (P-09 vs. P-10F)
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2019, 11:35:44 AM »
Since you asked, here is a little feedback from a old guy that has owned, shot and carried many, many handguns for almost 50 years. I have never regretted keeping a gun. I have regretted selling many guns. So if at all possible, I'd figure out a way to keep both.

Best of luck with your decision.
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Offline Claymore504

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Re: Hammer Vs. Striker DEATH MATCH!!! (P-09 vs. P-10F)
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2019, 07:55:17 AM »
I am just not a fan of the P10 series and I own a P09, so I would say keep it. The idea for letting the P10F go and getting a P07 is a great idea as well.

Offline WWG1WGA

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Re: Hammer Vs. Striker DEATH MATCH!!! (P-09 vs. P-10F)
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2019, 06:11:13 PM »
Thanks for all the feedback, gents!

FWIW, I ended up ditching both and getting a P-07 and a P-10C. 

Obviously, I pulled all the upgrades out of the larger models and put them in the new guns.

I somehow managed to sell both the P-09 and P-10F at a profit (I love Armslist and our private-sale laws in NV!) so it made buying both easier to justify in my head. :)

Offline Winkel

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Re: Hammer Vs. Striker DEATH MATCH!!! (P-09 vs. P-10F)
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2019, 06:28:22 PM »
Well I see I'm late to the game.  Soooo....CONGRATULATIONS on the new baby! 
Just remember, every period in a kids life is just one stage in a collage of many strung together.  Even when it seems like they'll never stop pooping all the time, just remember that in a few months, they will change a lot. 

My youngest just finished her second year in college.  It seems like just last year, I was changing diapers and hearing, "That's not the way Mama does it...." with respect to making sandwiches, painting little tiny fingernails, etc.

Enjoy!  Oh yeah, should have kept the P-09!